My Life, My Secrets, My Story Part 39

Start from the beginning

"Good idea, can someone go get them?" Alec said, and asked.

Zane went to go get them, and Alec kissed my head, for the good idea. I smiled at him, and he smiled back, kissing my head again.

"Are the rouges, particularly strong? Should we worry or something?" I asked, not really getting it.

"Not as strong as us, but there wolves are in control, which means they aren't afraid to do anything. It makes it harder to win because they are willing to do anything to win." Alec explained.

Bells and Olive came in, and we told them what happened, everyone filled them in, and they took the information, pretty well. That's good.

"Ok. We'd love to help, and our pack, the Fire Pack, would love to help, since our packs are friends, and our dads are the Beta and Omega." Bells said, formally.

"Wait, your the betas and omegas daughters?! Sheesh, would it kill ya to tell me?!" I yelled at them.

"Sorry! Did I mention as soon as we turn 18 we get to be the beta and omega?" Olive said, apologetically.

"No, but thanks for telling me!" I say, harshly.

"Which pack do I belong to?" I ask confused.

"You don't really have a pack, but since I'm your mate, you belong to my pack." Alec says.

"Oh, ok. Anyways, shouldn't we at least make sure the alpha's ok with it?" I ask, wondering if it was ok to not tell him.

"Yes, we will ask officially, tomorrow, and that will be the day we make our battle plans. Till then, we have to tell everyone else." Alec explains.

"Ok, let's go make the announcement. Everyone downstairs!" I said, taking Alec's hand and going downstairs.

"Everyone to the living room!!!" Alec and I told the pack.

They immediately went to the living room. Alec and I went to the stage and made the announcement.

"The rouges want a battle!" Alec stated, bluntly.

This shocked and surprised everyone. They were not expecting this. Then again, who was?

"I want all 18 year olds and up, to fight. The rest of you will stay here." Alec continued.

A few of the pack, whined, groaned, and protested. They didn't like the idea of waiting here while their pack and mate were fighting. I could understand their point of view but they had to understand ours too.

"Enough! This is not debatable!" Alec said, in his 'I'm the alpha and you have to do what I say' voice.

This shut them up, though, I could see some were still not happy. I tried to reassure them.

"Don't worry. We have two Lifest, and they have rouge wolfs, who do you think is gonna win?" I say, knowing the answer.

This seemed to calm them down and reassure them. They were agreeing with us, so I didn't see any reason to use force. Alec was the muscle, and I was brains and the both of us were the heart.

We gave them the details and how we were gonna do this. Who, what, when, where, why and how. We told them that we would ask the Fire Pack for help. No one seemed to refuse or have anything to say. We were about to end it when I thought I should tell them.

"Bells, Olive, come here." I tell them.

Alec, Bells and Olive give me weird looks but I ignore them. They come on stage and I was in the middle, Bells on my right, Olive on my left.

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