Smol Chapter: Upcoming Special Event!

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SMG4 walked onto the stage and looked at the audience.

SMG4: Hello, everyone! You're all wondering why I've gathered all of you here today. 

Sharky Boopkins: I wonder what this could be about?

Fishy Boopkins: I am not sure, bro.

Bowser: Oooh, is it a cooking contest?

SMG4: No, you big piece of shit! 

Bowser: *Forever Alone face*

Lexi: Well, what is it, then?

SMG4: Soon, a special event is going to be taking place! I call it... War of the SMG4 Fanfic Writers!

Splendid: Wait, wot?

Blizzard: This sounds intriguing. 

SMG4: Yep! Infinite and Smesh are going to be facing off in challenges... Suggested by YOU guys! Give us a suggestion, and it may just make it into the games! 

Crystal: Ooooh!

SMG4: What team will you be on?! Team Infinite, or Team Smesh?!

X: *Peeks from around the curtain* Ah, shit. Here we go again.

(For the 199th chapter, I will be doing War of the SMG4 Fanfic Writers, feel free to give any challenge suggestion you want!)

Anyways, lata!

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