Overlord Menace

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(This chapter and Turlandb's "NOW U FOOKED UP!" chapter on his Mini-One-Shot story takes place at the same time. Anyways, on with the chapter.) 

Turlandb: Me and Laura are gonna go and get her power back! We'll see if we can snatch the Doge Stone back too!

Infinite: Got it.

Laura: See you soon!

Turlandb summoned a Grand Star and jumped onto it with Laura, as it sped off at the speed of light.

Gabe: Whoa.

John: Man, I am happy to be on this team.

Doc: Same here.

Smesh and Cristinonetta walked into the building while panting a little.

Infinite: *Laughs*

Crystal: Had fun?

Smesh: Y-yes...

Cristinonetta: *Giggle*

Infinite: Heh heh. Now you know how I feel when you tease me around Crystalonetta, bestie.

Smesh glowed red while laughing nervously, Luna woke up as Raiko kissed her on the lips.

Luna: Mmm... Oh, thanks Raiko.

Raiko: You're welcome, Beautiful Luna.

Clark: You alright?

Luna: I feel way better than before. Looks like the wound has healed up.

Luna glowed light-blue and smiled.

Raiko: That's the spirit, Beautiful Luna!

Lost: Yo, Infinite? When will the time come to kill Greg?

Infinite: Very soon, Lost. Greg's forces have been weakened, plus the jackals have sent some armies to their home planet and are threatening them to call the attack off or they'll unleash the World-Ender Bomb on their home world.

Aeris: Oof... Anyways, I'm glad this invasion will be over soon.

Crystal: Same here, Aeris.

Antasma: Ve'll kick those little green men's asses back to their planet!

Risky Boots: Hell yeah we will!

Blackfang nodded in agreement.

Blizzard: So... A question. When Greg is defeated, what do we do with MXR Mario?

Infinite: I-

ReaderFromWR/Angelina: KICK HIS ASS!

Infinite: Jesus Christ! Hang on! We're gonna decide as a team!

Splendid: I think MXR Mario deserves death! He stomped on your wife's stomach!

Infinite: That is true...

SMG4: But wait! If we kill Mario... WHO AM I GONNA RECORD TO BE THE RETARDED ONE?!

Luigi: Yeah... I don't want my brother to die!

Infinite: *Sigh*

Crystal: Guys, look. I know MXR Mario has been a bit of a pain in the ass recently, he has been sending us through hell, but he IS doing this for a reason.

Gabriel: Why is that?!

Smesh: It's because of all of the abuse we make him go through. 

Cristinaonetta: That is right... Look, these past two months, MXR Mario finally had enough. The abuse through the years took an impact on him, and he wanted someone to pay the price for it.

Infinite X CrystalWhere stories live. Discover now