Monstrous Titan

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Luna: Hmm...

Raiko: Oh, I found some loot! Gold... Emeralds... A sword... Not bad!

Infinite: There's a lot of stuff in this End City!

Mario: Sadly, there's no spaghetti...

Everyone was exploring the End City, which had a few threats on it such as Shulkers.

Cristina: Hmm... Hey, where is Antasma?

SmeshBras123: I was just about to ask that. He's just randomly disappeared.

Infinite: Oh, he's keeping watch outside. Even though we may be far from Earth, that doesn't mean we won't get attacked.

Machito: Damn... Francis' IQ is a big pain in the ass.

Mario: Yeah... Anyways, I'm bored with treasure hunting. I'm gonna have a walk and see what's around.

Infinite: Alright then.

MarioMario54321: Just be careful. You stir the Endermen up, they'll tear you to pieces.

Raiko: Whoa.

Mario: Ah, I'll be fine! What can go wrong?

A few minutes later...

Tons of Endermen ran after Mario, the plumber screamed like crazy and jumped into a lake of water.

Mario: Haha!

Luna: Phew. At least he's alive.

MarioMario54321: Shall we get out of here and start placing TNT to get to the core?

Infinite: Alright then.

SmeshBras123: Let's blow some shit up.

Cristina: *Giggle*

Everyone walked outside and began placing blocks of TNT on the ground. Antasma looked to his left and saw something strange in the far distance. He flew towards it and gasped.

Antasma: Vhat the fuck...?

Infinite noticed Antasma and flew over to him.

Antasma: Oh, hey Infinite...

Infinite: What are you... Looking at?

In front of the two was a massive set of footprints leading to the ocean. Soon enough, the others had walked over and everyone started talking about what could of caused the trail.

Luna: The actual hell?

Raiko: Whatever this thing is, it's pretty big.

Mario: That means it's also thicc!

Cristina: Mario, no...

MarioMario54321 hopped into the rocket and looked on the radar to see something terrifyingly huge on the radar, which was heading towards Aeris.

Aeris: Hmm... What tha hell is this?

Infinite: I've not seen something like this before.

Aeris was holding a dark green orb which had the figure of an Enderman in it.

Machito: It almost looks like an Ender Pearl...

The radio Infinite held in his hand started going crazy.

Aeris: Whoa!

Mario: Oh no, you made the radio upset!

Infinite: MarioMario54321? What's going on now?


The ground began shaking violently, Hauntings of Endermen began to hiss and shriek while fleeing.

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