Cristina's Birthday

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Infinite was watching TV with Crystal and Luna, when his phone began to ring.

Luna: Huh?

Infinite threw his phone into the air and caught it, then answered.

Crystal: Nice!

Infinite: Hello?

SmeshBras123: Infinite! What's up?

Infinite: Nothing much. Just watching TV with my family.

SmeshBras123: It's Cristina's birthday today, and I want you to help set it up!

Infinite: Oh, sure! We'll get some gifts and decorations.

SmeshBras123: Okay then, my bestie! See ya soon!

Crystal: What was that, honey?

Infinite: It's Cristina's birthday, so we're gonna head out and get some gifts for her!

Luna: Alright! To the mall, biotches!

Infinite teleported himself and his family to the mall.

Crystal: Hmm...

Luna: What could we get?

Infinite: Let's split up. I already have a gift in mind for her.

Crystal went into a game shop, while Luna wandered around.

Infinite: Alright, just gotta grab the Crafting Table and-

Mario: Hoho, hello!

Infinite: *Homer Simpson scream*

Mario: Dafuq?

Infinite: Don't startle me like that! Where'd you even come from?

Mario: I was here the whole time! I was walking around trying to get something for Cristina!

Infinite: Let me guess, it's-

You and Meggy collapsed, as tons of plates of spaghetti fell onto you.

Meggy: Ow!

(Y/N): Can't breathe...

Mario: Yep! Five-hundred plates of spaghetti!

Infinite: HOLY SHIT! Mario, that is way too much!

Mario: Nonsense!

Crystal: Hmm... What could I get...? Big Chungus 3? No... Mario Simulator 2? No...

Cashier: Why not get Super Mario Maker 2?

Crystal: Sure!

Bowser came out of nowhere and grabbed the last copy of Super Mario Maker 2.

Crystal: Don't you fucking dare...

Bowser: You ain't gonna do, shiiiiiiiit! You ain't gonna do, shiiiiiiit! You, ain't, gonna do shi-

Crystal kicked Bowser in the pingas, making his eyes extend out.

Cashier: Oof...

Bowser: *Squidward Tentacles screaming*

Crystal: Anyways, I'll take it!

Cashier: Thank you, come again!

Luna: Dang... What could I get for Aunt Cristina? Hmm...

???: Hey.

Luna: Huh?

The figure came out of the shadows revealing... Steve.

Steve: Hi, guys!

Luna: Heya, Steve! What are you doing in the darkness?

Steve: You want to get something for Cristina?

Infinite X CrystalWhere stories live. Discover now