A Hard Choice

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Meanwhile, SB123 Meggy was gathering all of her weapons from her mansion and growled.

SB123 Meggy: It could of been me... But that bastard kidnapped my parents instead...! I'll kick his ass!

SB123 Mario: Meggy, Infinite, me and Phoenix will follow, but only for a little while. This could be a trap as well...

SB123 Meggy nodded and held her Splat Dualies up.

SB123 Meggy: Let's go.

Infinite and Phoenix followed SB123 Meggy and SB123 Mario out of the mansion. 

SB123 Meggy: If he's hurt my parents, he's gonna feel so much pain...

Infinite: No one deserves the pain I'm currently going through, SB123 Meggy... I don't want you to feel depressed... When you meet up with Shadownova, me, Phoenix and SB123 Mario will stay afar and we'll try and escort your parents out.

SB123 Meggy: Got it.

During their travels, Shadownova sat in his throne and continued to look at a picture of him and Diamond. He sighed as Novarupta and Rocky entered the room.

Novarupta: Lord Shadownova, we have... Interesting news.

Shadownova: Hmm? What is it?

Rocky: We've been getting... Weird energy levels from this worn down mineshaft in the Mushroom Kingdom... Do you want us to investigate?

Shadownova: Very well. Let your curiosity be free.

Rocky and Novarupta opened a portal to the Mushroom Kingdom and walked into it.

Void: Lord Shadownova, we've been informed that SB123 Meggy is coming here alone.

Shadownova: Good. 

Eddie: *Thoughts: Crap... What kind of deal does he want...?!*

Mabel was quietly drinking a cup of water while hugging Eddie tightly.

Kylie: Now, we wait.

Novarupta and Rocky walked through the portal and saw the old mineshaft in the distance.

Rocky: I've heard a story about this place.

Novarupta: Oh?

Rocky: Apparently, this mineshaft was opened for business somewhere in the 1700s, but in the early 1800s, an accident occurred and the mineshaft collapsed which killed all of the miners inside. But no one knows how the accident took place.

Novarupta: Interesting.

The two walked into the mineshaft, Rocky tapped the Voidstone as it began to glow purple.

Novarupta: There appears to be nothing so far.

Rocky: Just wait. There will be something-

Rocky bumped into something and looked up, it was a body hung by the ceiling, except it was covered in... Web.

Novarupta: What the hell...?

Rocky: Okay, no NORMAL spider could do this shit. 

An echoed laugh came from deep inside the mineshaft.

Rocky: Someone's here.

Novarupta growled, as two red dots appeared in the distance.

Novarupta: Who are you?

???: I see you've entered my lair... 

Rocky: What even are you?

The person walked out of the shadows, revealing a female... Except that she was half human, half spider.

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