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Shadownova smiled and watched his commanders rally up his army.

Void: Alright, the Midnight World Eater will be arriving at the Mushroom Kingdom soon, everyone! So be prepared to fight and spill the heroes' blood!

Minions: SIR, YES SIR!

Void looked over at Shadownova and smiled.

Shadownova: *Smiles* Kristina?

Kristina: Hmm? Yes, Lord Shadownova?

Shadownova: Take this. You'll be better with it than I ever will be.

Shadownova gave Kristina the Despair Gauntlet X.

Kristina: Oooooooooooooooh! Thanks!

Shadownova: You're welcome. 

Kristina joined the other commanders and Shadownova sat back on his floating throne.

Shadownova: The time has come to eradicate all of you pests. You all believe you can defeat me, but you are blinded by your hopes and dreams. Those dreams will be crushed. Your hopes will be turned to ashes. Due to all of you, I was forced to take action. I MANIPULATED Francis from the start. ...Oh, is that shock I sense? Francis was perfect back then because of his hate for that truce. I used him as a decoy while I gathered energy, and at the end... I gathered enough to come free, thanks to the Pingas Stone. After I obtain all of the Meme Stones, I can sanitize reality and wipe all of you out. All of YOU are the reason why I am doing this. I am not the villain here, all of you are. I may hate my brother, but together with the other creators, we worked so hard to create the Multiverse. And what do WE get in return? Nothing but abuse and war. GodJackal is too soft on all of you, and I am here to fix his mistakes. Once I create the New Era... Then everything will be perfect. No war. No blood. No fighting. Just utter peace. And all of you are preventing me from creating that bright future. I will enjoy watching your pain, your misery, your despair... But what I look forward to the most is your reactions to your failure to "save" the world you fight so hard to protect. And as for you, Infinite... I CRAVE your reaction to see your friends die in front of you. You are no hero. You are simply a thorn in my side. But there is no need to feel so guilty. That guilt can be shared with the other villains you fought in the past. All of them were weak, but me? I am far different. Time is ticking. Let this War of the Multiverse begin... 


Anyways, lata!

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