The Alpha Titan

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Shadownova: So, what is your decision?

Infinite: ...I will...

Lexi: Infinite, wait!

Splendid: Huh?

Shadownova: Interfere with the deal and you die-

Lexi: Shut it, Dicknova! Infinite... Choose the Troll Stone... I'll take the fall.

Infinite: What?!

Shadownova: ...

Infinite: B-but... Uni will-

Lexi: Infinite, please... I'd rather let myself die instead of watching anyone else die...

Infinite: But if you do that... Uni will be depressed...!

Lexi: I know that...! But she'll get over me...! She'll find someone else...!

Infinite: I don't think she will...

Lexi: ...I don't know what will happen in the future at all, but I'm sure it will be much better without me in it. I can't take much more of people getting hurt because that asshole over there... *Points at Shadownova*

Shadownova: ...

Lexi: Please... Let me at least hold him and Void off so you guys can get away...

Infinite shed a tear and whimpered.

Lexi: *Sniff* Goddamn it, Infinite... I hate it when people cry...

Infinite: Lexi... *Hugs Lexi* I can't allow you to do this... You're like a baby sister to me, and what you said earlier... I don't believe the future will be better without you in it.

Lexi: H-huh?

Rocky: *Thoughts: Can they stop with the soap opera shit?*

Infinite: I want to keep everyone alive, Lexi. And that includes you. If you die, then I'll just feel too guilty... You don't have to do this, Lexi... Please...

Lexi: ...

Shadownova: ...I have no need for Lexi anyways. She would be useless as a Corrupted.

Uni: *Shedding tears* HEY!

Shadownova pushed everyone except Infinite back with a wave of energy.

John: OOF!

EGamer: OUCH!

Trapper: My scrotums...

Shadownova: I respect your bravery, Lexi. But I have no need for you. Make your decision in ten seconds Infinite, or the curse affecting your life will be accelerated.

Eddie: *Eyes widen*

Mabel: EEP!


Infinite threw the Troll Stone at Shadownova as the evil deity caught it.

Blizzard: N-no! Infinite, why?!

Lexi: ... D:

Flashwing Crystal: Honey...

Infinite: Guys... I can't allow ANYONE else to share the same fate as me... I've lost almost all of my family, and I don't want anyone else to suffer... SB123 Meggy... If she lost her parents... I can't even imagine what would happen to her...

Shadownova: Here. Release them.

Rocky and Ersai nodded and released Eddie and Mabel.

Eddie: Oh, thank god...!

Infinite X CrystalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora