Further Away From Home

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A few hours later after the fight with Shadownova, Infinite and Crystal were in their clone's house with their friends.

Infinite: So, looks like our clones have been doing some heroic work of their own.

Infinite Clone: Damn right. Lari was NOT easy to take down at all. She had a plan to use her powerful company to defeat Tas Corp, take all of their money, and use it to take over the world.

Crystal: Oof... 

Crystal Clone: Yep. And she was pretty strong, thanks to the Troll Stone that was inside of her Meta Runner arm.

Infinite: Damn. At least we have it now, and this is where we could actually win a Meme Stone for once!

Masa: I thank you for all of the help. 

Lamar: We really appreciate it. But we are gonna have to pitch in with some construction work.

Infinite: Yeah, it saddens me to see such an amazing city get wrecked. But don't worry... 

A few spaceships started to land in Silica City.

Infinite: I called upon some of my jackals back home to help out with the construction so it can go faster.

Sofia: Oh, sweet!

Lamar: So, now what? 

Crystal's phone began to ring.

Crystal: Huh?

Crystal grabbed her phone from the table and answered the call, it was Jen who sounded hurt.

Jen: S-sis...

Crystal: J-Jen?

Jen: Hurry over to my location... Me, Turco and Laura got attacked... Kylie... She took the Troll Stone... AND the Purple Elemental Star...!

Crystal: WHAT?! 

Infinite: Wait, did I just hear that right?!

Jen: Please get over here quickly...! I see their giant spaceship about to take off!

Crystal: Shit...! We'll be over there in a snap, sis! 

Crystal put her phone into her pocket.

Infinite Clone: Oof... I guess this may be goodbye?

Infinite: Sadly, yes... But I will visit this universe with Crystal from time to time when this is all over.

Lamar: Sounds good.

Masa: Good luck, you two. 

Sofia: Kick their butts!

Infinite patted his clone on the back and smiled.

Infinite: Take care of yourself, buddy.

Infinite Clone: I will.

The couple waved and ran out of the house, as Infinite alerted the rest of the Multiversal Heroes.

Crystal: Grrr... Damn Kylie!

Infinite: We have to get the Troll Stone back, especially the Purple Elemental Star! If she puts that onto the armor she's wearing, she'll become terrifyingly strong!

Crystal: Oh, fuck... And she's already got the other six Elemental Stars... 

After a few minutes, the couple found the Star Family in an alleyway completely covered in wounds.

Infinite: Oh my god...

Laura: U-Uncle Infinite...!

Turlandb: Don't ask how Kylie managed to do that... She just got the jump on us...! 

Infinite X CrystalWhere stories live. Discover now