One Final Spaghetteria Night

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Infinite and Crystal shared a cheese pizza together while watching a movie. 

Infinite: Hmm... Oh, Crystal?

Crystal: Yes?

Infinite: I forgot to mention something. Dark Squid will be coming over with her allies, she wants to announce something that she told me and Smesh in private. 

Crystal: Ooooooooh, sounds interesting!

Infinite: Oh, trust me. It is. *Wink*

The canine couple continued to watch their movie when Mario burst the castle doors down.

Luigi: WAH?!

SMG4: Whoa, what the fuck?!

Fishy Boopkins: Mario, is something wrong...?

Mario: Oh, I fucking hate Bob... 

Meggy: Huh?

(Y/N): What did he do?

Mario: He almost tricked me into working at that shitty spaghetteria... 

Infinite: Oof...

Mario: As much as I love the amount of spaghetti at that place, heed my words! I am never, EVER setting foot into that place ever again!

B0b: DaMn. YoU'rE gEtTiNg OvErDrAmAtIc.

Mario grabbed his hammer and began to whack Bob with it, Turlandb looked over at the plumber and got an idea.

Turlandb: Oooooooooooooh... This will be payback for what happened yesterday. Yo, bro!

Infinite: Hmm? *Pauses the movie* What is it?

Turlandb: I have a bet for you.

Infinite: Oh, let's hear it...

Turlandb: I want to see if you and Crystal can stand one night at Freddy's Spaghetteria. If you lose the bet, then... You and Crystal won't be allowed to see each other the next day.

Infinite: O_O

Crystal: And if we win the bet...? O_O

Turlandb: Then... I will grant one wish of your choice.

SMG4: When the fuck did you become a genie?

Turlandb: SHUT YO BITCH ASS UP! Anyways, you two up for the bet?

Infinite: ...One free wish sounds good. Sure.

Crystal: Let's do it.

Turlandb: The bet is in action, then.

Smesh: Oof, good luck, bestie.

Cristina: You two will need it.

Infinite and Crystal nodded and walked out of the castle. Thunder clapped from outside as Francis screamed.

Mario: Wha?

Francis: Oh, shit! Thunder!

Francis hopped into his bed and began to shiver.

SMG4: What the fuck? You're scared of thunder?

(Y/N): Wait, hold on!

You jumped into the bed beside Francis and hugged him.

(Y/N): Thunder buddies for life, right Francis?

Francis: Fucking right!

(Y/N): Ah, come on. Let's sing the Thunder song.

Francis: Okay.

(Y/N)/Francis: 🎶When you hear the sound of thunder don't you get too scared, just grab your thunder buddy, and say these magic words... FUCK YOU, THUNDA-🎶

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