Super Challenge 64 II

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Infinite: *Listening to music* Oh, yeah! This is some nice music!

Crystal: *Walks into the room* Hey, honey!

Infinite: Hi, Crystal! What's up?

Crystal: I'm good! Oh, and I forgot to tell you something.

Infinite: Huh?

Crystal: Before the cook off, me and Bowser decided on what would happen to the loser. If I lost, I would... Well, I would have to babysit his kids for a day with you.

Infinite: OH, HELL NO!

Crystal: Agreed with you there, Infinite! But I won that cook off yesterday, and guess what Bowser has to do?

Infinite: What?

Crystal: I may of been sneaky and given Bowser Jr a crap ton of sugar... So Bowser lost and he has to spend an entire day with his son and do nothing else.

Infinite: *Laughs* Oh, how unfortunate! He's gonna have to deal with a hyperactive brat!

Crystal: *Giggle*


Bowser: *Jontron voice* HOLY SHIT!!!


Bowser: B-but... I don't have any money-

Bowser Jr: *Pulls a gun out at Bowser* YOU BETTER FUCKING DO IT NOW!!!

Bowser: ...Well, you're not getting the game now! 


Bowser: OH, WHAT THE FU-

Bowser Jr pressed a detonator and Bob-Ombs started exploding all over the castle, causing multiple fires.


Kamek: Oh lord Jesus, there's a fire!

Back with the canine couple, they continued to laugh as someone started shouting outside their room.

SMG4: Listen up,everyone! I'm making a new video on my channel and I want some of you to participate?

Infinite: Huh?

Infinite and Crystal walked out of their room.

Crystal: What's going on?

SMG4: Ah, Infinite! Crystal! Just in time. I was asking if a few people would like to join in a video I'm making, it's a sequel to Super Challenge 64.

Infinite: Oh, so we'll be doing some challenges then? 

SMG4: That's right!

Crystal: You have me intrigued.

SMG4: I'll be giving certain challenges to everybody who wants to participate.

Smesh: Sorry, not interested. Plus, me and Cristina are going on a date.

Cristina: Yep!

SMG4: *Wario voice* Eh, fuck you. Anyways... I have, Tari, Meggy, Wario, Bob, Bowser, and Toad on the list, do you two want to join?

Infinite: Mmhmm!

Crystal: Count us in!

SMG4: Alrighty! Start those fucking challenges, boi!

Meggy: WOOHOO!

Can Infinite and Crystal go without drinking Fanta for half a day?

Infinite: Wait, what...? 

Infinite X CrystalWhere stories live. Discover now