A Friendly Reunion

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Outside of Silica City, a large escape pod suddenly crashed into the ground sending dirt and rock flying.

Void: OOF! Is everyone alright?

The soldiers nodded and started to jump out of the escape pod.

Void: I wonder what universe we're in...? I'll investigate soon, for now... We must look for the Troll Stone and see if it's in this universe. Soldiers, spread out!

Soldiers: SIR, YES SIR!

The soldiers split into teams and started to spread, Void flew out of the crashed escape pod and landed on top of a building.

Void: ...Wait... I can sense the energy of the Multiversal Heroes... I should investigate.

Meanwhile, Infinite, Crystal, Smesh and Cristina were asking people if they had seen the Troll Stone anywhere, but weren't getting much luck.

Crystal: Hey, have you seen- Dammit! Some people just completely ignore us!

Cristina: We may have to find it ourselves... This isn't working.

Infinite: Yeah, you're right, Cristina... 

Smesh: Let's have a look for it.

The four started to search, when Crystal looked up and saw a building.

Crystal: Huh?

Infinite: What is it, sweetie?

Crystal: ...

The building Crystal was staring at was the Tas Corp HQ.

Infinite: Tas Corp... Man, what a bunch of evil assholes.

Crystal: Agreed.

Infinite: As much as I would love to do something to Tas Corp, I don't wanna cause a ruckus and possibly harm innocent people here. 

Crystal smiled and kissed Infinite on the cheek.

Crystal: Infinite, you're so thoughtful...

Infinite: *Blush* Thanks, Crystal.

Smesh: Guys! Come over here!

Crystal: Huh?

Infinite and Crystal ran over to Smesh and Cristina, who were watching something.

Infinite: What is it, bestie?

Smesh pointed at two people fending off Tas Corp guards.

Tas Corp Guard 1: NOPE! Retreat!

Tas Corp Guard 2: Damn it...! 

The remaining guards retreated as the two mysterious people cheered.

???: Hell yeah! We did it! Nice work!

Cristina: Shall I go up to them?

Smesh: Okay, but be careful, Cristie.

Cristina put her Game Gauntlet II on her hand and walked towards the two.

???: ...Huh?

Cristina: Hello... What just happened?

???: Oh, me and my friend over there managed to fend off some Tas Corp douchebags. 

Cristina: Cool. So, who are you?

Lamar: The name's Lamar! And that over there is Theo!

Theo: Hello!

Cristina: W-whoa...

Infinite, Crystal and Smesh came out of hiding and stood behind Cristina.

Lamar: Oh? You got some friends?

Infinite X Crystalحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن