Mini Chapter: War, Flashbacks and Memories

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Infinite stood on top of the castle, watching the moon rise into the sky.

Infinite: *Sigh* Every time I see the moon... I get extremely guilty... For what happened with Luna... C-can I do this? Can I lead my group of heroes to victory? Am I even CAPABLE of doing this?

???: ...Of course you can.

Infinite: H-huh?

Infinite turned around to see someone, their face covered by a hood.

???: ...Times may be tough, but you can do this. 

Infinite: ...Who are you?

???: ...That will be revealed another time. Anyways, you are capable of leading the Multiversal Heroes to victory, Infinite. Look at all of them. You've selected brave, strong warriors who want nothing but to protect the ones they care for and ultimately, peace. With your strength combined, you can defeat this great evil and save the Multiverse.

Infinite: ...

???: Everyone is counting on you, Infinite. You made promises. Especially to SB123 Mario and SB123 Meggy. Remember? That was when your life changed. If it wasn't for that promise, I don't think things would be as positive as they are today... Well, not completely POSITIVE, but you get what I mean.

Infinite: *Nods*

???: I believe in you, Infinite. 

A group of holograms appeared behind the mysterious person.

???: ALL of us do.

Infinite smiled and shook the person's hand.

Infinite: Thanks... I appreciate it.

???: You're welcome. Now, it is time for me to return home. I will come back here soon.

Infinite: Very well...

???: *Nods* Goodbye for now...

The person turned around and walked towards to the holograms, but Infinite caught a slight glimpse of their eyes and gasped.

Infinite: ...T-those eyes...

???: As I said, you will find out who I am. Just have patience... Time will tell...

The person and the holograms vanished within an instant. Infinite was still shocked about what he saw but shook it off and grabbed the Jackal's Death Blade.

Infinite: ...The war starts soon... The time to train is now.

Infinite put his sword into his scabbard and walked downstairs.

Smesh: Huh? Oh, hey bestie!

Crystal: Hi, honey!

Cristina: What's up?

Infinite: ...It's time.

Smesh: Huh?

Infinite: The war against Shadownova will start soon, bestie. 

Cristina: Oh...

Turlandb: Did I hear that right?

Infinite: Yep, bro. Hey, SB123 Meggy!

SB123 Meggy: Hmm? Yes, Infinite?

Infinite: Do you have any more of those dummies we used to train back for the war against Dark Squid?

SB123 Meggy: Oof, that's brought back a few memories... Yeah, I still have a TON of them left. Actually, I think I left them in our old house.

SB123 Mario: We didn't really need them anymore, so we just dumped them in the basement at that house.

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