Journey to the Multiverse (1/2)

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Francis walked out of his lab, holding a small device in his hand.

Francis: Looks like it's done! That took a while to do.

Infinite: *Turns his head around* Hmm? What is it, Francis?

Francis: I made a little device which can transport an object or a person to a random universe. 

Crystal: Sounds cool!

Francis: I just wanted to see if someone would be willing to test it.

Infinite: Eh, why not?

Crystal: Sure, we're up for it.

SB123 Mario: *Walks over with SB123 Meggy* We heard something about universe travelling?

Francis: Yep. You two want to go with Infinite and Crystal?

SB123 Meggy: *Nods*

SB123 Mario: Okie dokie!

Francis: Alright then. So, there's two buttons on this. One is to transport to a random universe, and another is to teleport back home. Just be warned, you could come across ANYTHING out there. Also, that screen there gives a brief description of the universe you'll travel to.

Infinite: Noted.

Crystal: We could see some cool stuff!

SB123 Meggy: Yeah!

SB123 Mario: What are we waiting for, then? Let's freakin' do this!

Francis: Have fun, and stay safe!

Infinite pressed the button, and the group of four were surrounded by a blue light.

Crystal: Whoa!

Francis: Later!

Infinite and the others were transported to a different universe.

Francis: Now, time to go experiment on more stuff!

The group of four arrived in the universe they were sent to and looked around.

Infinite: Oh my...

SB123 Meggy: This looks beautiful.

Crystal picked a few flowers from the ground and sniffed them.

Crystal: It's literally a superbloom! Look at all of these flowers-

Gunfire echoed across the field as everyone quickly got on the ground.

Infinite: Dafuq?!

SB123 Mario: Mario almost got his pingas shot off!



SB123 Meggy: *Raises her Splattershot* Oi! Who fired at us?

???: Hey... Hold on a moment! Look who it is!

Infinite: *Spy voice* Wot?

IWND Infinite lowered his gun and walked towards the four.

Infinite: Oh! It's that Infinite! 

SB123 Meggy: What universe are we in?

Infinite: The Infinity Woomy New Dawn universe. It says here that in this universe, Dark Squid was near her defeat but she was given assistance by an unknown being. When she was beaten down, an all powerful nuke hit Inkopolis and completely laid waste to the rest of the world, so everyone now has to survive in a post apocalyptic world.

SB123 Meggy: Holy shit...

SB123 Mario: Wow... 

IWND Infinite: Nice to see the Hero of the Multiverse again!

Infinite X CrystalWhere stories live. Discover now