Clash of the Titans

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After twenty long minutes of fighting, mostly everyone started to get exhausted, but the help Infinite mentioned had not arrived yet. More Endermen, Endermites, Phantoms and Shulkers kept appearing and charged towards you.

(Y/N): Infinite, when is that help arriving?!

Meggy: Yeah, we're in trouble and we have a few injuries!

Lost: Gah... How many are there?!

Infinite: Come on, GodJackal... We need you... Especially against the Enderdragon Hydra... We can't beat it on our own...

Antasma and Risky Boots kept slicing through the mobs with their Lightsabers without any sign of stopping.

Cristina: Jeez...

Smesh: We'll keep fighting, no matter what!

Francis: Haha! You're all only tiring yourselves out!

Blizzard: Soon enough, you'll all just be flesh for these Endermen to eat.

Endermen: *Annoying riot noise*

Everyone got backed into a corner by the mobs while attacking with their weapons.

Tari: Uh oh!

Saiko: We're pinned!

B0b: NoT lIkE tHiS! i'M tOo SeXy To DiE!

Mario: Well, we're fucked.

Luigi: Noooooooo! NOOOOOOOO!!!

Francis: FUCK EM' UP!

The mobs lunged at everyone when suddenly a massive ball of red fire fell onto the Endermen and set them ablaze.


Enderman 2: I'M ON FIYA!!!

Turlandb: What the hell was that?!

Jen: No idea, but hey! The others mobs are backing off!

Laura: Hmm... *Jontron voice* HOLY SHIT!

Antasma: Vhat is it, Laura- WHOA!

Infinite: Yes... He has finally arrived.

GodJackal slowly levitated to the floor, and looked at the Enderdragon Hydra, which was destroying buildings and scaring people away.


Blackfang: I just shit my pants...

Cristina's jaw dropped to the floor.

GodJackal: Oh, my... An Enderdragon Hydra? Those are pretty rare. The last time I fought one of these was about... Two-hundred million years ago. But no matter.

(Y/N): Well, holy fuck.

Meggy: Damn...

Tari: But he barely looks as big as the-

GodJackal then changed his size to three-hundred meters.

SMG4: *Eyes popped out*

Tari: Uhhh... Never mind...

GodJackal summoned a row of meteors and threw them at the Enderdragon Hydra, it turned around in curiosity.

Francis: WAT DE FAK?!

The meteors hit the Enderdragon Hydra, making it fall onto it's back.

Smesh: Awesome!

GodJackal: I have many more abilities than that!

The Enderdragon Hydra quickly got back up on it's feet and charged at GodJackal, as he fired lightning out of his fingers at the Enderdragon Hydra.

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