If Mario Was In... GTA IV (Part 2)

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Niko: Alright, we're almost there! Thanks for the ride, Jacob.

Little Jacob: No problem, Niko. 

Everyone jumped out of the annihilator as Little Jacob flew off.

Infinite: So, who are these guys?

Niko: The Lost. I used to be good friends with these guys, until... Something happened in 2013. A friend of mine named Johnny Klebitz was brutally murdered by this deranged man, and the Lost completely lost it-

Mario: Pun intended?

Niko: Shut up, no time for jokes. Afterwards, they came back to Liberty City and started going crazy. 

Crystalonetta: Darn... 

Cristina: Deranged man? I think I know who you're talking about.

Niko: Hmm?

Cristina: Trevor Phillips. 

Niko: Wait, I've heard of him. He and two of his friends robbed a huge bank and took tons of gold bars that were worth about two-hundred million dollars...

Cristina: Yep!

Niko: That's... Impressive... But thank you for telling me this. I'll use this to my advantage. Anyways, let's go. 

Niko led the group towards the Lost's clubhouse which was an abandoned warehouse.

Smesh: Damn... This place looks like it hasn't been used in years.

Cristina: Am I the only one who feels like we're being watched?

Crystalonetta: No, you're not the only one... Something is wrong here...

Smart Mario looked around and saw someone watching them from a distance.

Smart Mario: What the fuck-

???: FUCK THEM UP!!!

Mario: Wait, what's going on here-

A group of bikers suddenly started to circle around the group in their motorcycles.

Mario: OH, SHIT!


Biker 10: We got them!

Niko: Are you sure about that?

Niko equipped his RPG and pressed the trigger, but nothing happened.

Biker 11: Hey, assholes!

Everyone turned around to see the biker with a bag full of weapons in his hand.

Biker 11: I took all of your ammo and weapons! Now you can't do nothing!

Biker 9: Yeah!

Infinite: Oh, we can still use our fists!

Niko: A fistfight, huh? Let's do this.

Biker 11: GET THAT MOFO!

The bikers jumped off their motorcycles and started to attack the group, as they fought back.

Infinite: And... BOOM!

Infinite kicked one of the bikers in the stomach and snapped his neck, while grabbing another and punching him in the pingas.


Viger: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Also, I bring forth a friend of mine to help you!

Smart Mario: ...Wot?

A portal opened, as Antasma fell out of it and landed on top of the warehouse.

Infinite X Crystalحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن