Mini Chapter: A Deal With The Devil

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Future Comet teleported into the castle and smiled.

Future Comet: It's honestly so strange to see everyone twenty years younger. *Chuckle*

Crystal: Hi, son!

Future Comet: Hey, mom.

Infinite: Did you get the Jackal Elite?

Future Comet: Yep. They're ready for the war. 

Infinite: Good.

Luigi walked towards the family with his counterparts.

Future Comet: Huh?

Luigi: Hey, guys! I have an idea on how we could get even more help!

Crystal: Oh? What is it?

SB123 Luigi: ...We ask our  friend Satan to see if he can have his army of demons join us!

Infinite: ...I haven't had a good past with demons before, but since Satan is your friend Luigis... Then I guess it's okay!

Future Comet: I think it's a creative idea!

Crystal: Sure! Okay, let's do it!

TB Luigi: Okay, MXR Luigi! Draw a pentagram!

Luigi nodded and drew a pentagram on the floor with red chalk, and it started to glow.

Mario: Ooooooooooooh, very scary!

A portal opened on top of the pentagram and Satan levitated out of it.

Satan: Hmm? Oh?

Luigi: Satan, my bro! Good to see you!

Satan: Ah, Luigi! What can I do for you? Babysitting some kids again?

Luigi: No, no, no! This time... Is really different. We need some help.

M96 Luigi: And by help, we mean a LOT of help!

Satan: Go on, my friends. I am intrigued.

 Luigi: So, you know that scary Shadownova person?

Satan: That asshole?! I lost a bet against him years ago and I had to wear a dress for a day! I was embarrassed in front of my entire empire of demons!

Mario/SB123 Mario/TB Mario/M96 Mario: *Retarded laughter*

SB123 Luigi: Oof... That's unfortunate.

Satan: Hold on... No... Are you saying that Shadownova ESCAPED The Unknown...?

Infinite: That's right.

Satan: Oh, no... That is bad... Not only will he destroy the Multiverse, but he will also destroy Hell, the Void, and even The Unknown! 

Crystal: Oof, that's brutal.

Satan: I'm guessing you summoned me because you want the assistance of my demon army?

Luigi: Uh huh!

Satan: Your request is granted. I will inform them once Shadownova launches his attack. Also, in return...

Future Comet: Hmm?

Satan: Once Shadownova is dead, could you give me his head? I would LOVE to use it as a dart board.

Infinite: Uhhh...

Smesh: O-okay...?

Luigi: Sure, Satan!

Satan: Thank you, friends. *Looks at Crystal*

Crystal: Huh?

Satan: ...I can sense much despair coming from you. I feel revenge surging through your blood.

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