R64: Lawyerz 4 Dayz

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Infinite was sitting on the couch with his family and the rest of the SMG4 cast playing Super Smash Each Other In The Ass Bros.

(Y/N): I can't believe it... The mad fuckers actually did it.

Meggy: They added Sans in. 

Infinite: Well... Kinda. He's just a Mii Gunner, but he's unique.

Crystal: Yeah. I also love how his gun is a Gaster Blaster. It's a nice touch by Nintendo.

Smesh: The memes are really taking over.

Cristina: *Giggle* Yeah.


Luna: You aren't winning this match, SMG4!

Luna started to mash the buttons on her controller, as King DeDeDe knocked Sans off the stage.


Luna: Yay, I win! 

Infinite: Awesome game, Luna!

Luna: Thanks, dad-

The Wolfal's phone began to ring.

Machito: Who's calling, Lulu?

Luna: Only one way to find out!

Luna grabbed her phone and answered the call.

Antasma: Hello, Luna?

Luna: Uncle Antasma? Nice to hear from you!

Antasma: Hey, can I have some help?

Luna: Sure, with what?

Antasma: Risky got framed by some asshole for murder, and I need a lawyer to support her in court.

Luna: Sure! I'll help! Will Phoenix Wright be there, too?

Antasma: About vhat... He's unfortunately sick. 

Luna: Oof... Well, I'll be over there in a few minutes. See ya, Uncle Antasma!

Antasma: Later.

Luna ended the call and sighed.

Infinite: What was that about, Sweetpea?

Luna: Aunt Risky apparently got framed for murder. So I'm gonna be her lawyer!

Meggy: Oh, can I help?!

SB123 Meggy: Me too!

Luna: Yeah! Alright then, let's see what's going on.

One courtroom setup later...

Judge: Alright, court is now in session! Is the defense and prosecution ready?

Luna: Yes, Your Honor. *Thoughts: Who's the prosecution...?*

On the other side of the room was Mephiles.

Infinite: NANI?! HOW'S HE ALIVE?!

Risky Boots: *Whisper* Don't worry, Infinite. He's just a hologram. Apparently Mephiles likes lawyer work too.

Infinite took a massive sigh of relief and wiped his forehead.

Judge: Anywho, let us call the first witness up.

Starman3: Helloooooo!

Crystal: *Thoughts: You can do this, Luna...*

Meggy: Starman3?

SB123 Meggy: Uhhh...

Judge: Care to explain what you saw, Starman3?

Starman3: Well, I was just going home with my groceries in hand, then I heard a strange noise come from an alleyway, followed by footsteps. I walked into the alleyway and saw it... I saw the body of TB Luigi, with a hole in in his head.

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