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All of the Smash fighters gathered at Final Destination, waiting for Master Hand to make an announcement, however the giant hand was nowhere to be seen.

SB123 Mario: Damn it, it's been twenty minutes... I was busy eating lotsa spaghetti!

SB123 Meggy: Where is Master Hand...? 

SB123 Luigi: I have no idea... 

Master Hand crashed onto the ground in front of everyone.

SB123 Mario: EEP!

SB123 Meggy: WHOA!

Kirby: Wha?

Master Hand: Oof...! No... Not again...!

Ganondorf: What's happening?

Mario: *Derp face* Is Crazy Hand going coo-coo crazy again like last time?

Master Hand: No... Worse...!

A transparent glowing blue man hovered above Master Hand and looked at all of the Smash fighters.

SB123 Meggy: Umm... Who is that?

Terry: No idea, but he looks like a damn right freak!

SB123 Mario: Wait a minute... *Eyes widen* WAIT A MINUTE!

Link started going crazy, so did Fox, Falco and a few others.

Joker: What's going on?! 



Tabuu revealed his wings and unleashed his devastating Off Wave attack, all of the Smash fighters were sent flying into the air and turned to trophies.

Master Hand: Argh...! You bitch...! How are you even alive...?!

Tabuu: ...

Before he passed out, Master Hand managed to telepathically send a message to Infinite's head.

Master Hand: ...Hopefully that jackal and his group of weirdos help us...

Master Hand passed out as Tabuu summoned his army.

Tabuu: Now... Time to send out more Subspace Bombs and gain all of my strength back! Go, my army! 


Infinite was playing Super Smash Bros Brawl with Crystal, Turlandb and Jen, with Infinite currently winning.

Infinite: *Whistle* This game brings back a damn ton of memories.

Turlandb: Jesus, I'm having trouble beating you at this, bro!

Infinite: Well, I was pretty darn good at this game back in the day. Looks like I still have my skills.

Crystal: *Giggle*

Infinite sent Turlandb flying off the stage and smiled.

Infinite: Boom! 

Turlandb: Shit! Nice one, bro.

Infinite: Thanks! 

Infinite's eyes widened as Master Hand's message appeared in his hand.

Master Hand: *Telepathically* Infinite... Come over to Final Destination...! Me and the fighters need help...!

Infinite: Wait, what...?

Crystal: What's wrong, honey?

Infinite: I just got a message from Master Hand... Apparently he and the Smash fighters are in trouble...

Infinite X CrystalWhere stories live. Discover now