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G.O.E. Infinite turned his fist into rock and punched Shadownova in the nose.

Shadownova: OOF!!!

Shadownova was sent flying onto his floating throne.

G.O.E. Infinite: You will not be spared... No... You don't even deserve any kind of life... There is no place in Hell for you. There is no place in the Void for you... And I say, the Unknown isn't enough for you either... Instead, I'll kill you... And I'll banish you to a looping timeline where you always die every single minute, and it will last for eternity.

Shadownova: *Wipes some blood from his nose* Your threats have become better. I say you should teach Lexi about threatening people.

G.O.E. Infinite: Excuse me?

Shadownova: She is pathetic when it comes to threatening. She is the same as a puppy barking and nipping it's owner.

G.O.E. Infinite: ...Don't fucking insult my smol precious sister. >:(

G.O.E. Infinite grabbed Shadownova and rammed him through a window.

Rocky: Lord Shadownova!

Spiderette: Wait! Do not interrupt him.

Rocky: Why?!

Ersai: I want to kill that bastard for-

Spiderette: The time will come. Just be patient. We can all have our own turn beating Infinite to a bloody pulp.

Void: That is correct.

Rocky: Ugh, if you say so...

Ersai: ...

Void: *Sigh* I'm so sorry about Kylie, Ersai...

Ersai: They took her away from me... They plucked her from the darkness and brought her into the miserable light... Those bastards are going to pay...

G.O.E. Infinite stabbed Shadownova in the shoulder with the Bloodstone Spear.

Shadownova: Grrr! 

Shadownova yanked the Bloodstone Spear out of his shoulder and threw it aside, then the two fell into a building, resulting in rubble and furniture everywhere.

G.O.E. Infinite: *Emerges from the rubble unscathed*

Shadownova: I can sense the amount of godlike strength running through your veins, but you are foolish if you think you can defeat me.

G.O.E. Infinite: I know I can... 

Shadownova: That is a lie you are telling yourself currently. Deep down, you know you cannot defeat me.

G.O.E. Infinite: That is not true, Dicknova! You know what...? It's really risky, but I don't care. I'm going to do this for everyone. I need all of the power I can get so I can grant your deathwish.

G.O.E. Infinite glowed red and activated Jackal's Wrath x50.

JWX50G.O.E. Infinite: Agh... Holy fuck... T-that is a lot of power...

Shadownova: ...You are the one with a deathwish putting that tremendous amount of power on your shoulders. Keep that up, and you may not survive-

JWX50G.O.E. Infinite summoned a massive cloud, fire and lightning fell from the sky and started hitting Shadownova.

Shadownova: GAH!

Shadownova spun his staff around and made a shield with the Doge Stone, but JWX50G.O.E. Infinite easily broke it by dropping a huge piece of rock onto the shield.

Shadownova: WHAT?!

JWX50G.O.E. Infinite: *Summons a massive tornado* 

Shadownova stabbed the ground with his staff and tried to not get sucked into the tornado, but JWX50G.O.E. Infinite teleported behind him and burned Shadownova's hands, making the evil deity let go of his staff.

Shadownova: GAH!

Shadownova was sucked into the tornado.

JWX50G.O.E. Infinite: While you're in there, I may as well take these. *Touches the staff but still gets burned* OW! What the fuck?!

Shadownova: No matter how powerful someone is... *Escapes from the tornado* They will never be able to use my staff or hold it!

JWX50G.O.E. Infinite: Shit...

The two continued to fight, but over time JWX50G.O.E. Infinite slowly got exhausted and Shadownova only had minor wounds. 

JWX50G.O.E. Infinite: *Panting* Ugh...

Shadownova: *Gets up* I must say, I am impressed. You've done so well against me, but your survival will not last for much longer.

JWX50G.O.E. Infinite: I may be getting tired... But I am not done yet...

In the kingdom, Turlandb and Machito could feel JWX50G.O.E. Infinite's energy slowly draining away.

Machito: Oh... Brother...!

Turlandb: Fuck...! Come on, bro...! 

Smesh: What's wrong?

Machito: Infinite's energy is slowly draining... He's pushing his boundaries...

Smesh: No... We have to help!

Machito: *Holds Smesh back* No! Infinite went on his own to protect us, Smesh! Go there and you'll die!

Smesh: Machito, Infinite IS going to die if we don't help him! 

Turlandb: *Sigh*Infinite earned this. Infinite is the one who has the right to kill Shadownova. He may be struggling, but I know he can win...

Smesh: ...Okay...

A few days later...

JWX50G.O.E. Infinite and Shadownova stood far from each other, both quietly panting and puffing.

Shadownova: ...You've kept this up for a few days... I really did underestimate you... 

JWX50G.O.E. Infinite: ...

Shadownova: But your body is not used to that form... It is hard to master... You made a foolish mistake by using it for so long... And now... I will kill you...

JWX50G.O.E. Infinite: No, you won't...

The two limped towards each other and threw slow but strong punches.

Shadownova: Grrr...

JWX50G.O.E. Infinite: ...Fuck it.

JWX50G.O.E. Infinite launched Shadownova into the air and started charging tons of energy into his fist.

Shadownova: OOF!


JWX50G.O.E. Infinite turned into a massive multicolored jackal and punched through Shadownova's chest, spraying blood and bone everywhere.

Shadownova: UGGGGHHHH!!!!!

Shadownova fell to the ground, JWX50G.O.E. Infinite landed on a nearby mattress and struggled to get up.

JWX50G.O.E. Infinite: Ugh... Oh god...

JWX50G.O.E. Infinite turned back to normal and passed out, but Shadownova got up with a bit of a struggle and held his bleeding wound.

Shadownova: Argh... 

Void: Lord Shadownova!

Spiderette: Oh my god...!

Ersai: What the fuck did he do...?!

Shadownova: ...Get me back to the Midnight World Eater... And bring HIM along... I have something to do...

Rocky: Got it.

Rocky grabbed Infinite and started to carry him over his shoulder, as Void teleported herself and the others into the Midnight World Eater.

Shadownova: Thanks, dear... Agh...

Void: Just rest  for now, Lord Shadownova. I'll heal your wound, which will take a while...

Shadownova: Mmhmm...

Rocky: Where shall I toss this rodent?

Shadownova: ...Just leave him on the floor for now... I have an idea... We can use his bottled up rage and other negative emotions... For more power.


Anyways, lata!

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