The Grand Mario Hotel II

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Phoenix: Thanks so much for the help, Wonders! 

Infinite: Anytime, Phoenix! See ya!

Infinite opened a portal back to the Super Universe, as he, Crystalonetta, Smesh, Cristina, Aeris, Machito and Turlandb walked into it.

RNP Desti: Well, we're alone.

RNP Desti kissed Phoenix on the lips and wrapped her arms around him.

Phoenix: *Thoughts: Heh heh...*

The others arrived home and got back to doing their usual thing. Infinite looked around and saw that Mario was nowhere to be seen.

Infinite: Umm... Where is Mario?

SB123 SMG4: MXR Mario? I have no freakin' idea!

SMG4: Now that you mention it, SB123 Mario isn't here either!

SB123 Meggy: Wait, what? 

Saiko: Where could of they gone?

Tari: Not sure...

Fishy Boopkins: Oh, wherever they are, I hope they're having fun!

B0b: HmM...

Bob looked at his hentai while making slurping noises. Saiko looked over and groaned in disgust.

Saiko: *Thoughts: What a perv and a creep...*

Crystalonetta walked back into the room holding a piece of paper.

Infinite: What's that you got there, sweetie?

Crystalonetta: It's a note from MXR Mario.

SMG4: Oh? 

(Y/N): What does it say?

Crystalonetta: Ahem. "Me and SB123 Mario have gone off to the Grand Mario Hotel to hang out with some other Marios. (Who are actually kind to me, what a surprise.) We'll be back soon! P.S., SB123 Mario says he loves you, SB123 Meggy!"

SB123 Meggy: Aww...

Meggy: Grand Mario Hotel? Other Marios?

Infinite: Interesting... I've never heard of this place before... My curiosity is telling me to visit this place.

Crystalonetta: Me too. Let's go see what it's about.

Infinite closed his eyes and looked around for a while, until he found the Grand Mario Hotel in a universe not too far away from the Super Universe.

Infinite: Found it!

The jackal opened another portal and held hands with his wife as they walked into it.

Tari: So... Who wants to play video games?

SB123 Tari: OH, ME!

TB Tari: ME TOO!

M96 Tari: ME THREE!

Machito: *Chuckle* Oh, cousins.

Clauds giggled and hugged Machito tightly.

Meanwhile with Infinite and Crystalonetta, they arrived through a portal and saw the Grand Mario Hotel in front of them, which was huge.

Infinite: ...DAS A HUGE BITCH!

Crystalonetta: Let's go see what's going on in there!

The couple continued to hold hands and walked into the hotel, and what was their first sight? Complete and utter chaos.

Bootleg Mario/Granddad: Hey! Why the fuck are these cockroaches crawling all over me?

Mario Party: Let's play a game, bois!

Infinite X Crystalحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن