Return of the Star Family

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Sackboy continued to explore through Silica City, mostly going through some of the wreckage and destruction caused by the Corrupted Order.

Stephen Fry: Oh no...! Whatever happened here? 

Sackboy shrugged his shoulders and took out his weapon, the Paintinator.

Stephen Fry: Good idea, Sackboy. Keep an eye out for any danger.

Sackboy continued pointing the Paintinator around and came across a blocked road.

Stephen Fry: Looks like you'll have to summon something to get past. 

Sackboy nodded and opened a tool known as a Poppit, which allows him to create ANYTHING he wants. 

Sackboy created a staircase made of sponge and walked up it.

Stephen Fry: Good job, Sackboy! We should take a break for now. Head into that building.

Sackboy obliged and walked into the building, which was the Tas Corp HQ.

Back with Infinite and Smesh, they were still watching over Cristina and had knocked out a few unsuspecting guards.

Infinite: Damn... This has been bad...

Smesh: Yeah... At least we have the Troll Stone, bestie...

Infinite: I guess... Darn... 

A small cry of pain startled the two, they turned around to see Cristina waking up.

Smesh: Cristie!

Cristina: O-ow... W-what the fuck happened?

Smesh put his hands on Cristina's cheeks and kissed her deeply, her eyes widened as she kissed Smesh back.

Infinite: Aww... Cristina, are you okay?

Cristina nodded and looked at her Meta Runner arm, she immediately began to freak out and saw her normal arm on the floor.


Smesh: Cristina, calm down! Calm down!

Cristina started to breathe heavily, Smesh kissed her again as Infinite punched a window shattering it to pieces.

Infinite: Fucking bastards... 

Some voices came from nearby, Infinite summoned his sword and turned off the lights.

Smesh: Cristina, please calm down... We'll fix this... I promise...

Cristina: O-okay...

Infinite: Ssshhh...

A group of Tas Corp guards busted the door down and started to search the operating room.

Tas Corp Guard 1: Where are they?

Tas Corp Guards 2: Lights on, boys.

Before the guards could turn their lights on, they were all suddenly covered by paint sending them flying into the wall.

Infinite: Dafuq?

Tas Corp Guard 1: OOF!!!

Tas Corp Guard 2: Someone's in here! Open fire-

A piece of metal appeared above the guards and crushed them, splattering blood on the walls.

Cristina: WHOA!

Smesh: Where'd that come from?

The lights turned back on, revealing a little creature made of wool and other materials.

Infinite X CrystalNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ