Mini Chapter: Spooky Scary Skele-Bros

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Mario devoured his spaghetti while making chainsaw noises, Luigi chuckled a little and continued to eat his spaghetti.

Mario: Oh, boi! I'm so excited!

Luigi: Hmm?

Mario: Christmas is almost here, Luigi! I WONDER WHAT PRESENTS SANTA IS GONNA GET ME?!

SMG4: Well, you did become evil at one point and cause an alien invasion, so I think you're gonna get a truck load of coal-

Mario: OI, I APOLOGIZED FOR THAT! Plus, who was the one who drove me to do that?

SMG4: *Derp face* Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

Mario: Fuckin' jackass...

Luigi: Oof... Don't worry, bro. That's all just a bad memory, now. 

Mario: *Sigh* I guess so...

Luigi got up from his chair and hugged his brother.

Mario: Heh heh... Thanks, bro...

Luigi: You're welcome, Mario.

Mario: Hmm... Hey, I just got an idea. 

Luigi: What is it?

Mario: When I was gonna be executed in WoopWoop Kingdom, a certain someone helped me.

Luigi: Who?

Mario: Papyrus.

Luigi: Oh, him?

Mario: Yep. Although, when you guys arrived he had... Somehow disappeared.

Luigi: Weird. Anyways, what is your idea? 

Mario: I say we go and get my spaghetti BFF. He can help us greatly!

Luigi: Are you sure about that, bro?

Saiko: I have to agree with Luigi, Mario. That Papyrus guy may be powerful, but he's simply to innocent and nice to hurt anyone!

Mario: Oh, don't worry. I have a plan for that. 

Luigi: Okie dokie!

Mario: Plus, Papyrus still lives over there in the distance. They bought that house quite a while back.

Luigi: Ah, I remember that. Heh heh... Peaceful times...

Saiko: Yeah... Then that Shadownova dick had to come along and make all of our lives hell!

B0b: MmHmM...

Infinite: What's going on, Mario?

Mario: Oh, Infinite! I have an idea for two people who can join the Multiversal Heroes, and they're powerful!

Infinite: Ooooh, I'm intrigued.

Crystal: Who, though?

Mario: Follow me!

The canine couple nodded and followed Mario to the house in the distance.

Infinite: Hmm? The skeleton brothers?

Crystal: That's... Actually really smart, Mario.

Mario: Thank you! *Knocks on the door*

Papyrus: Oh, it looks like we have visitors, brother!

Sans: Go on, bro. See who's at the door.

Papyrus ran to the door and swung it open.

Papyrus: My spaghetti BFF!

Mario: Hello, what's up?!

Papyrus: What do you need? Are you hungry? Do you want to hang out? Do you want to solve some puzzles?

Mario: I'd love to, but no.

Papyrus: Oh, what is it then?

Mario: I was wondering if you and your bro could help us with a... Serious situation.

Papyrus: Serious situation? 

Sans overheard this and walked to the door.

Sans: Hold on, what was that?

Mario: ...I suppose you two have heard about what has been going on, recently?

Papyrus: Ah, yes we have! It's... Really saddening.

Sans: Shadownova plans to destroy all of this Multiverse... 

Crystal: That's right.

Infinite: The good news is, is that he can't obtain the Shaggy Stone. He needs to sacrifice a one close to him in order to do it.

Sans: Well, that's good, I guess. 

Papyrus: Mmhmm. 

Sans: Wait... Mario, did you come here to...?

Mario: Yep! I wanted to ask you two if you want to help us defeat that asshole! You two are pretty damn strong, after all!

Crystal: He does have a point.

Sans: ...Gladly. I've dealt with the pain of losing everything you love before... And I won't allow that to happen again.

Papyrus: We shall help you in your quest to defeat the bad guy! We will do it for humans, monsters, and most importantly! Spaghetti.

Mario: *Laughs*

Sans: Aww, come on Papyrus. There's no time to think about spaghetti when people are PASTA way every day due to this guy.

Charmx: Oh, boy! Here he goes!

WRATH2501: That was a dark joke!

Papyrus: Grrr... Again with the puns?! 

Sans: *Chuckle* I can't resist, bro. You have to admit, that one was a rib-tickler.

Mario: *Starts laughing his ass off*

Infinite: Heh heh.

Crystal: Hehe!

Sans: We're in.

Infinite: Awesome! You two have helped before in the past, and your abilities are surely gonna be a great help!

Sans: Oh, they will be. 

Papyrus: Nyeh heh heh! I will be prepared to set up all sorts of confusing puzzles for the bad guys to solve! Although the thing is... The puzzles will be impossible!

Sans: Heh heh, that's my bro. We're glad to help. Come on, Papyrus. Let's get back to cooking. 

Papyrus: Okie dokie, brother! We will see you when the bad guy starts his invasion!

Infinite nodded as Sans closed the door.

Crystal: So, now what?

Infinite: ...Get prepared for Christmas, I guess.


(...Oh boy, here come the puns... And the spaghetti.)

Anyways, lata!

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