Mini Chapter: A Glimpse of an Unknown Time

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While searching around for Kylie, Infinite coughed out a bit of blood and held his head.

Infinite: Agh...

Cristina: Huh?

Smesh: Infinite!

Infinite: I-I'm okay...

Infinite started to hallucinate, and he passed out.

Smesh: Oh, shit! Bestie!

Cristina: What happened?!

Smesh: He just passed out! Infinite! Can you hear me?!

Inside of his head, Infinite opened his eyes and looked around to see himself in a completely white space.

Infinite: What the fuck...? Where am I?

All of a sudden, a soft and gentle female voice echoed through the white room.

???: Hello there... Infinite.

Infinite: Huh...? W-who are you? 

???: Do not be alarmed. I am an ally.

The voice revealed herself, being Rosalina.

Infinite: R-Rosalina...?

Rosalina: *Nods* ...I have come to give you assistance, and... I want to show you something else.

Infinite: ...Oh? What is that, then?

Rosalina: The assistance has already been delivered. You'll see what it is soon. 

Infinite: Okay then... And what do you want to show me?

Rosalina: I can't show you all of what I want you to see, since it may cause... Problems. But it may give you answers.

Infinite: Very well. Let's see it.

Rosalina waved her wand around and the white space around them turned into a city.

Infinite: Whoa... This looks like Silica City...

Rosalina: That may be so, but this is not Silica City. It is someplace else.

Infinite: Oh, okay...

Rosalina: *Points at someone*

Infinite: Huh?

Infinite looked over to the direction Rosalina was pointing, and saw the exact same mysterious person from before talking to someone.

Infinite looked over to the direction Rosalina was pointing, and saw the exact same mysterious person from before talking to someone

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Infinite: Hey... It's that guy... And who is that?

Rosalina: ...Someone who is a friend of that person who helped you not too long ago. He's a scientist.

Infinite: A scientist, huh?

Rosalina: Yes.

Infinite: ...Interesting... But why did you bring me here?

Rosalina: ...To show you a small answer.

??? (Scientist): Hey... Look who's behind you.

???: Huh?

[REDACTED]: Hello again, employee.

???: Oh... You... 

[REDACTED]: I am sorry if I am disturbing you, but I have another job for you. 

???: Oh, boy. What is it?

[REDACTED]: An all powerful being is causing trouble. You need to head there and help the struggling heroes fight.

???: I see... 

[REDACTED]: Although, this will be a dangerous mission. Be careful. I don't want to lose my best employee.

???: Sure, I'll do it.

[REDACTED]: And if you're lucky, you will see the truth your parents did not tell you.

???: ...

??? (Scientist): Uhhh...

[REDACTED]: Goodbye for now. *Gives ??? a few papers*

???: Oh?

[REDACTED] picked up his briefcase and walked off into the distance, and then vanished.

???: Weird... Looks like I gotta go to this point and help these heroes.

??? (Scientist): I see... Well, good luck. I'll go tell everyone about this.

???: Thanks... Avalon. I appreciate it.

Avalon: Ah, it's nothing.

Infinite: ...Avalon? And something seems... Familiar about him. I just can't put my finger on it.

Rosalina: *Nods* That is all for now, Infinite.

Rosalina waved her wand again, and she and Infinite were returned to the empty white space again.

Infinite: What was that...?

Rosalina: You will see soon. Until we meet again...

Everything went bright, and Infinite snapped out of his dream and woke up.

Infinite: W-wha?!

Smesh: Huh? Infinite!

Infinite got up and groaned.

Infinite: Ugh... What the fuck was that...?

Cristina: What was what?

Infinite: Just some... Weird dream I had...

Smesh: Dream?

Infinite: Actually... I don't think it was even a dream... It was a premonition or something else... I'll talk about it later, for now, let's continue looking for Kylie.

Cristina: Alrighty then.

Infinite: *Thoughts: ...What was that...?*


Anyways, lata!

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