Strength Comes In Numbers

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Infinite walked over to ReaderFromWR, who was swinging at a dummy with his Chainsword.

Infinite: You got your Blood Ravens ready?

ReaderFromWR: Yes, Infinite. All of them are prepared for this.

Infinite: Good. Back to training. 

ReaderFromWR nodded as Infinite teleported to GodJackal's mountain on Planet Blade.

Infinite: GodJackal!

GodJackal: Hmm? Ah, Infinite. Why have you come here?

Infinite: Shadownova is going to launch his attack very soon, are the jackals and the Jackal Elite prepared?

GodJackal: All of them are. Now, lead them to Earth like the proud leader you are.

Infinite: I will. 

GodJackal: I must admit, Infinite...

Infinite: Hmm?

GodJackal: You make me proud. I never knew a jackal would be capable of getting godlike strength, creating a huge group of powerful beings but most importantly, becoming a massive hero. I thank you for all you have done thus far. 

Infinite: Heh heh.

GodJackal: And that's not only me saying thank you. The other five Creators of the Multiverse may be gone, but I know they are thankful as well for the multiple evils you have fought and stopped. 

Infinite: *Nods*

GodJackal: And if my brother obtains the last Meme Stone, then I will join the fight. 

Infinite: Alright, GodJackal. I will round up the jackals and the Jackal Elite.

GodJackal: Very well.

Infinite flew out of the mountain and teleported to the kingdom.

Jackal Spearton: Hmm? 

Jackal Spearman: Ah, Prince Infinite!

Infinite: My fellow jackals! The time has come. 

Jackal Archidon: Shadownova is launching his attack?!

Jackal Archer: W-whoa... That's not good...

Infinite: This is the moment you've all been training for. Especially the Jackal Elite.

Jackal Giant: I cannot wait to crush some evil beings.

Jackal Mage: Aren't we all? Now, what other races or armies have you asked to help us?

Infinite: ReaderFromWR's army of Blood Ravens, Turlandb's Star Children, Dark Squid's army and her followers, Satan's army of demons, and mostly, people such as normal inklings and other innocent residents of the Multiverse want to join in.

???: Hey, don't forget us!

Infinite: Huh?

The Guardians of the Galaxy were there with an army full of Ravagers. 

Peter: We're ready to kick some ass!

Groot: I am Groot!

Drax: ...

Mantis: ...What is with the silence, Drax- Wait, where are you?

Drax: ...I am standing so incredibly still that you cannot even see me. I have mastered the ability to do so.

Infinite: *Chuckle*

Gamora: Here we go again. *Rolls her eyes*

Rocket: We gathered up all of the Ravagers, they're happy to help out. 

Infinite: Great! Alright, now we're gonna head back to Earth.

Jackal Mage: Allow me and the other mages to teleport all of us to Earth. 

Infinite: Go on.

The mages got in a circle and chanted a powerful spell, causing everyone to get teleported in front of the castle.

Infinite: Oof... Yep, looks like everyone is here.

Waluigi: WAH!

Infinite: Waluigi?

Luigi: Oh, allow me to explain! Waluigi wants to make up for what he did in 2018, so he's going to use his powers for good!

Infinite: Ah, nice!

Waluigi: It will be fun turning Shadownova's soldiers into T-Pose Zombies. 

Infinite walked into the castle.

Infinite: Everyone! Stop training and come outside!

The SMG4 crew and the Multiversal Heroes nodded and walked out of the castle.

Turlandb: Holy shit... All of our armies are here.

Jen: There's millions and millions...!

Dark Squid: Sup?

Angelina: ...

ReaderFromWR: ...

Raiko and Clark walked past the crowd.

Smesh: Ah, you're back!

Cristina: Is Comet safe and secure?

Clark: Yes.

Raiko: We have put a lot of defenses on the house, and (Y/N) and MXR Meggy are over there right now taking care of him.

Crystal: Good... 

Infinite: Everyone... The time has come.

Blizzard: Uh oh, dramatic speech time. *Winks at the camera*

Lakitu: Dafuq?

Infinite: It is time to fight, for the sake of the Multiverse. All of us together, we must fight hard to take this menace down and end his reign of terror.

Lexi: Yeah! Dicknova is gonna get it!

Infinite: With our powerful army and the Multiversal Heroes, we will purge the darkness that corrupts all of us, and bring peace!

The massive army started to roar and cheer.

Infinite: Together, we will wipe out Shadownova's army of darkness, take down his commanders, and finally... We shall take his head!

Jackal Giant: *Nods*

Everyone was now cheering as Infinite raised the Jackal's Death Blade in the air.


Turlandb: YEAH!!!

Crystal: That's my Infinite!

Infinite: Now, we wait for Shadownova to launch his attack, and once he does... All hell will break loose. Blood will be spilled, lives will be lost, but I assure you, in the end... Victory shall be ours! 

Everyone continued to cheer as Infinite looked at SB123 Mario and SB123 Meggy.

SB123 Meggy: *Smiles*

Infinite: And there are promises I will fulfill. I know, many of us have lost close ones or family members... Especially me... But, once Shadownova is defeated, I will work my hardest to bring all of them back! That is my promise... To the entire Multiverse!

Everyone cheered louder while raising their weapons in the air.

Infinite: *Thoughts: Your time ends now, Shadownova.*

(Here we go...)

Anyways, lata!

Infinite X CrystalNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ