An Unknown Truth

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Everyone stared at the scythe in shock, Shadownova looked at their expressions and smiled.

Shadownova: You all wonder how I got this?

Infinite: T-that's impossible...! Luna shattered that thing to pieces...!

Shadownova: She did indeed. I respect her strength and the unlimited amount of Hope in her, but that does her no good in the Corrupted Order.

Crystal: How that fuck did you get that scythe?!

Shadownova: ...It is time to reveal the truth. This scythe is known as the Scythe of Time, and... This weapon is actually mine.

Smesh: Y-yours...?

Cristina: How...?

Shadownova smiled and held his staff up, activating the Doge Stone and the Sanic Stone.

Shadownova: Allow me to explain the truth.

The environment changed into a desert and as soon as Infinite saw it he gasped loudly.

Infinite: T-this... T-this is where I...

Shadownova: That's correct. This is the place you grew up in. But one thing no one ever found about this location was a temple known as Temple of the Great Destructor... That being me. It was undiscovered for many, MANY years... Until your brother came along.

In the distance, a younger Novius lit a torch up and walked into a cave. Shadownova then teleported everyone into the cave and they started to follow Novius.

Young Novius: Hmm... The legends say that those who enter this cave never return. Let's see if I come out alive, or I may end up like all of these skeletons on the floor.

Young Novius continued to go deeper into the cave and then found it. The Temple of the Great Destructor. 

Infinite: Oh my god...

Cristina: That's a huge temple...

Turlandb: Yep...

Lexi: Shadownova, where is this going?!

Shadownova: Silence, child.

Young Novius: Oh my god... It IS real!

Then all of a sudden, faint and quiet whispers filled the air.

Young Novius: Huh?

???: Follow the path... Avoid the traps... And you shall claim your prize...

Young Novius: Ooooooh, creepy! I like it!

Shadownova: I admire his bravery.

Young Novius walked into the Temple of the Great Destructor and started going through traps and puzzles.

Shadownova: How he managed to not die still amazes me to this day.

Infinite: ...

After much solving and careful thinking, Young Novius passed through all of the traps and puzzles and found the "prize" the whispers were talking about.

Young Novius: W-what...? Is that a...

Infinite: Wait... *Eyes widen* No... No... No, no... Hell no...!

Shadownova smiled evilly as Young Novius approached the prize, and the whispers returned but much louder than before.

???: You have done well, traveler... I congratulate you... Now, take your prize... And claim the power that even gods cannot obtain...

Young Novius: The power that gods cannot obtain...?

???: That's right... And you know you WANT this power... Your family disrespects you. This is your chance to take revenge, and wreak havoc...

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