Chapter 157

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Caitlin had been running tests on Kara's DNA ever since they'd discovered she was pregnant, since she was trying to figure out how exactly Kara's powers would be affected by her pregnancy. Caitlin was actually using Sam's now Kryptonian DNA as a base line, since it showed how kryptonian DNA normally looked, so she was using it as a comparison against the DNA of a pregnant kryptonian.

It has proven to be a useful idea, since Caitlin could clearly see differences between the solar radiation in their DNA and their physical scans, since while they both had similar readings of solar radiation in their bodies, the radiation had begun affecting their physiology in different ways. In Sam's body, the radiation was affecting her the way it normally did, her readings normal for an average kryptonian.

The solar radiation in Kara's body however was somehow being redirected, a majority of it actually focusing on her stomach region. In fact, Kara's radiation levels were getting lower throughout the rest of her body. While her levels were still strong for the moment, they were nowhere near full strength anymore and it looked to Caitlin that they would only continue getting weaker as Kara got further into her pregnancy, since it looked liked Kara's baby was already siphoning off her solar radiation, despite it being pretty early in her pregnancy, since she wasn't even showing yet.

However, Caitlin was surprised when her computer turned up something else interesting to.

"Wait, a match?" Caitlin asked as she looked at the results more carefully and was very surprised at what her computer was telling her. She ran several more tests on the DNA patterns and found that it was correct.

"This is incredible. I need to tell Kara." Caitlin said as she pulled out her phone.

"Tell Kara what?" Barry asked as he entered Caitlin's lab.

"This." Cailtin said as she showed him the results.

"Why don't you come over and tell her tonight. This seems like something we should tell her in private." Barry said and Caitlin nodded, seeing his point.

Kara was surprised when Caitlin arrived at their house that night.

"Caitlin, what brings you here?" Kara asked.

"As you know, I've been running tests on your DNA to figure out how much of an affect your pregnancy will affect your powers and in doing so, I discovered something that I think you should know." Caitlin said.

"I'm listening." Kara said.

"I was using Sam's DNA as a comparison to yours so I could figure out how your powers would be affected by your pregnancy and my computer somehow found something interesting." Caitlin said.

"What do you mean interesting?" Kara asked.

"Kara, my computer discovered that your DNA is very similar to Sam's DNA." Caitlin said.

"Of course it is, we're both kryptonian." Kara said.

"No, this is more than that. I mean your DNA patterns matched on a familial level." Caitlin said.

"Wait, what are you saying?" Kara asked, though now she was beginning to put the pieces together.

"What I'm saying is that Alex isn't your only sister Kara. According to the test results, you and Sam are blood related sisters." Caitlin said, shocking Kara.

"That's not possible." Kara said.

"Apparently it is." Barry said.

"No, what I mean is that a few years before Clark was born, my parents had managed to get permission from the high council to have another child, but they told me that something went wrong with the gestation pod and my sibling died in creation." Kara said

"Wait, what?" Barry asked.

"Everything on Krypton was highly regulated by the high council, even child conception. Every family was allowed one natural born child or twins, any additional children had to be approved but the high council and were created in birthing pods." Kara said.

"So you were conceived the normal way?" Barry asked.

"Yes, but Sam would've born in birthing chamber. What I don't understand is why they told me she died." Kara said.

"Maybe you should talk to them about this before you tell Sam." Caitlin said and Kara nodded.

"They'll get in town in a few days for thanksgiving, I'll ask them then." Kara said and Caitlin and Barry both nodded in agreement at that plan.

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