Chapter 64

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"You going somewhere?" James asked Kara as he walked up to her.

"Yeah, the grand reopening of Star Labs is today and Ms. Grant asked me to be the reporter who covered it, even though I'm dating the new owner." Kara said.

"She probably did it in the hopes you can get Barry to slip up on something." James said and Kara chuckled.

"Probably." Kara agreed.

"So, how are you liking being Ms. Grant's protegee?" James aske.d

"She's started having me sit in on board meetings with her and I swear, I am still trying to figure out why she hasn't killed any of them yet." Kara said and James laughed.

"I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to figure that out. But in the meantime, do you by any chance need a photographer?" James asked.

"You know Clark will be there. I'm pretty sure that every major media outlet in the country is covering the reopening." Kara said.

"Sounds about right and yes I know, we talked last night. This is his first assignment since he and Lois got back from their honeymoon." James said.

"You two talk at night. I thought Lois was the one Clark was married to." Kara said with a smile.

"Please, I'm not into people in capes." James said and Kara nearly scoffed at that.

"Anyways, if you're up for it, I'd love to have you join me." Kara said and James smiled.

"Let's go then." James said.

Later on that day, Kara and James, along with members of nearly every other news outlet in the country were standing outside Star Labs as Barry stood on the podium that about a year ago, Harrison Wells stood on announcing the particle accelerator being turned on, but now Barry was making a much different announcement. Caitlin and Cisco were both standing on either side of Barry.

"Thank you all for coming out today. I know a lot of you are skeptical, you think that reopening Star Labs is a big mistake. But I'm here to assure you today that this is not the same Star Labs it was a year ago. The man posing as Harrison Wells, was a cruel man and several people suffered because of him. Myself included, since he killed my mother. I am just trying to make up for his crimes. The work the employees of Star Labs do here will truly do what he claimed to want to do. Make a brighter future for us all. I will now take questions." Barry said.

Of course, Kara's was the first one he took.

"Kara Danvers, Catco Worldwide Media. My question is the one I'm pretty sure numerous of my fellow reporters would like to ask." Kara said.

"And that is?" Barry asked, trying to act professional.

"Do you have any plans to restart the particle accelerator initiative taken on by your predecessor?" Kara asked.

Barry's answer was immediate.

"Absolutely not. One of the conditions the government had in exchange for lifting the restrictions on this company was that we'd never even consider restarting the accelerator, something I was more than happy to agree with. One of the first things I did after we were cleared to reopen was have the accelerator dismantled and all data regarding it's construction destroyed. I assure you all, it will never be turned on again." Barry said as more questions were asked.

"Mr. Kent." Barry said.

"Clark Kent, Daily Planet. Are there any particular projects or fields you'll be pursuing now that the labs are open again?" Clark asked.

"We've already been working in anti metahuman technology. Since Star labs is the reason these metas exist, we are working around the clock to help protect the city from them and also, my staff are under orders to aid the Flash, Supergirl and any members of their team in anyway necessary to help protect our city and our planet from threats, whether they're human, metahuman or even extraterrestrial." Barry said as he continued to field questions from the press and Kara had to admit, she was impressed.

"So, how much of Barry's speech did you write for him?" James asked Kara.

"The whole thing." Kara said with a smile as James laughed as the press conference continued.

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