Chapter 60

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When Kara came to, she found herself in a DEO prison cell.

"Why am I locked up? Kara asked as she turned to see Barry, her mother, her aunt and J'onn all standing outside the cell.

"Because you attacked us." Barry said simply.

"What? I didn't attack you?" Kara said.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Astra asked.f

"I was flying to the DEO and then I felt something intrude my mind." Kara said.

"Grodd. He must've taken over your mind." Barry said.

"From what you told me, this Grodd's psychic powers shouldn't be strong enough to affect a Kryptonian mind that's been exposed to yellow sunlight as long as Kara yet. Her parents, maybe, but not her. I can't even read her mind, let alone control it." J'onn said.

"He could if he was getting outside help increasing his powers capabilities." Zor-El said as he joined them.

"What, you think someone or something is helping this gorilla out?" J'onn asked Zor-El, who nodded.

"But who would be able to do that?" Barry asked.

"I don't know. But it would have to be someone smart enough to not only make Grodd's powers strong enough to reach a Kryptonian, but also take into account that Kryptonian minds are different than human minds and be able to account for that variable." Zor-El said.

"Okay yeah, it sounds like Grodd is working with someone else." Barry agreed, since he knew that at this stage in his powers, Grodd wouldn't be smart enough to do that yet. Eventually, he would be, but right now, he was just someone's puppet. Before, Thawne had been the one who was pulling Grodd's strings, but since Thawne was currently spending the rest of eternity trapped in the Speed force, that begged the question, who was using Grodd now.

"But who?" Alura asked

"I don't know." Barry said.

"Can you let me out now?" Kara asked.

"Once we get your cerebral scans back." Jeremiah said.

"Wait, maybe we could use Grodd's connection to Kara to get some insight of Grodd's plans." Barry said, remembering how they did it before when Grodd tried to use the armies of Gorilla City to attack Central City.

"How?" J'onn asked.

"I think Cisco could use a TMC simulator." Barry said and now Jeremiah understood.

"We could use it to see if this Grodd left some sort of connection between him and Kara and use that to get a better idea of what his plans are." Jeremiah said.

"Exactly. It's crazy but it's our best shot at finding him and maybe finding out who he's working with." Barry said.

"Bring Cisco here and we'll get to work." J'onn said and Barry nodded as he sped out.

"So, what exactly are you working on now?" Cisco asked Caitlin, since they were all trying to keep busy until they figured out how to stop Grodd.

"A cure for my dad." Caitlin said, since they were all aware of Thomas's fate.

"And yourself." Cisco said.

"I didn't say that." Caitlin said.

"You didn't have to. Caitlin, you have the same powers as both your father and your sister." Cisco said.

"Still getting used to the idea I have a sister." Caitlin said and Cisco chuckled.

"Yeah, but anyways, you have the same powers as them, but you haven't even tried to use them have you?" Cisco asked.

"No, I haven't." Caitlin said.

"I mean, that's your choice, but you've seen what Thea can do with those powers. We could use that on our side, since unlike Team Arrow, we fight metas and aliens on a regular basis." Cisco said.

"You're right. Thea is a hero with those powers. But my father has the same powers and he became a supervillain. He said that Thea's powers are more advanced because of the treatment he used. But what if the procedure he used on me wasn't advanced enough to keep me from becoming like him." Caitlin said.

"Part of the reason you're father is the way he is now is because he lost his fight with the Icicle. But you Caitlin, you're a fighter and a winner. It's your choice on whether or not you want to let your frosty side out, but something tells me that if you did, you'd find yourself a lot happier than you'd expect." Cisco said as he walked away from her.

Caitlin thought about what he said before going to her computer and pulling up some of her other research, into how to activate her latent powers.

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