Chapter 114

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"Hey, you okay man?" Cisco asked Barry, who was looking around.

"Yeah, honestly, I'm just wondering if we're going to be having any unexpected guests here today." Barry said and Cisco knew what he was talking about.

"Well, hopefully if there are, it's just the one we won't mind seeing. Even if she looks completely different." Cisco said, since the Nora they'd known before was the product of Barry and Iris. If Nora still existed in this new reality, since she'd be Kara's daughter instead of Iris's, she'd look a lot different.

"Yeah." Barry said, right as the music began playing.

"Sounds like they're playing your song." Cisco said and Barry nodded as they went to take their places, Barry at the altar and Cisco to join everyone else in the wedding party.

Since they'd asked Professor Stein to perform the wedding, which he'd eagerly agreed to, he and Barry were standing at the altar as the band played the wedding march.

The first ones to come down the aisle were Felicity and Oliver, Barry, Kara and Cisco had all gotten a good laugh at the look on Oliver's face when they'd told him he'd been paired with Felicity.

The next ones to come down the aisle were Iris and Wally, followed by Caitlin and Ronnie, followed by Clark and Lois, who were followed by the best man and maid of honor, Cisco and Alex respectively before everyone else rose to watch the bride come walking down the aisle.

Barry felt like his jaw might actually drop to the floor before as he saw Kara walk down the aisle in her custom made vera wang wedding dress, her golden blonde hair done up in a bun underneath her veil and she walked down the aisle, arm and arm with her father.

When they arrived at the altar, Barry took his bride's other arm, however, before Zor-El let go, he said "You hurt her and you won't be able to run fast enough to save yourself."

"I won't hurt her." Barry was quick to assure him and Zor-El looked satisfied as he let go of Kara's arm and went to sit down next to his wife on the bride's side of the aisle and Barry lifted Kara's veil before leading her up to the altar.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to bear witness as Bartholomew Henry Allen and Kara Linda Danvers become joined in holy matrimony. If there is anyone who sees a reason as to why these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace." Martin said and no one spoke up.

"Very well, Bartholomew, will you please recite your vows to Kara." Martin said and Barry nodded.

"Kara, before I met you, I thought I knew what love was. Then you spilled coffee all over me and I realized just how little I actually knew," Barry said and Kara blushed as several people laughed before Barry continued, "when I lost my mom, I didn't realize it then, but somehow, that put my life on pause and I was stuck in that moment. But you Kara, you helped me start moving, start running again. I promise to always be a faithful husband to you." Barry said and Kara smiled.

"Kara, please recite your vows to Bartholomew." Martin said and Kara nodded.

"Barry, before I met you, I never really thought love was in the cards for me. I never thought I'd actually find someone I was able to spend the rest of my life with. Every time I tried opening up my heart before you, it just seemed to end badly. But with you, things just seemed to flow naturally and you showed me that maybe it was possible for me to find love and I have thanks to you. I promise to always be faithful wife to you." Kara said.

"Please exchange rings." Martin said and both nodded as Cisco and Alex respectively handed out the rings.

"Do you, Bartholomew Henry Allen, take Kara Linda Danvers to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Martin asked.

"I do." Barry said as he placed the ring on Kara's finger.

"And do you, Kara Linda Danvers take Bartholomew Henry Allen to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Martin asked.

"I do." Kara said as she placed the ring on Barry's finger.

"Then, by the power vested in me, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Martin said as Barry and Kara shared their first kiss as earth husband and wife.

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