Chapter 4

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Central City was a mess after the accelerator exploded. Countless people had been hurt or killed in the explosion and 911 was on overflow, they just did not have enough officers to handle every emergency.

That was why Kara was now standing outside Star Labs, waiting for Cisco to come out.

"It took me a little longer, since I needed to adapt the cape you brought me to work with the rest of the tech in the suit, but it's done." Cisco said, handing Kara gold ring with her family crest on it.

"Is this?" Kara asked.

"Exactly like Barry's Flash ring. I figured it out shortly before the whole elseworlds thing began and while your method of wearing your suit under your clothes is great, this is more practical." Cisco said and Kara nodded.

"No arguments here. That especially caused problems when I wore sleeveless dresses." Kara said.

"Yeah, so anyways, give it a shot Supergirl." Cisco said as Kara took over her glasses and held up her new ring just like she'd seen Barry and Oliver do and her new suit spewed out of her ring and Kara used her own super speed to emerge in it, though she noted that while it had mostly remained like her original one, there were a few improvements made to her suit, such as her tights had been replaced with blue pants. Honestly she found this more comfortable, since she'd never been comfortable wearing only tights under her skirt.

"Nice upgrades." Kara said and Cisco smiled.

"I felt that while this Winn guy was good, there were a few places your suit could be improved. I also included sensors in your suit to allow me to track your vitals, solar radiation levels, basically the same thing we did with Barry." Cisco said.

"I might be interested in making Barry's team mine, since I'm not sure if I trust the DEO or if it even exists in this new reality." Kara said.

"Just let me know." Cisco said and Kara nodded.

"Well, it sounds like this city needs Supergirl." Kara said as she flew off.

Central City was abuzz with reports of a new superhero who wore the same symbol and appeared to have the same powers as Superman who'd been helping the city over the past week.

Cat Grant was having a field day over this, since she was determined to get dibs on this new superhero before the Daily Planet did. She was actually about to call her new Art Director James Olsen from the Daily Planet to call Superman to ask him to set up an interview with this new hero when she saw her floating over her terrace.

"Well, I didn't think you'd come to me." Cat said.

"Well, since I knew you'd want an interview, thought I'd come by and get it over with now. Also, to tell you what name to give me in your article." Kara said.

"Really, and what would you like me to call you?" Cat asked.

"Supergirl." Kara said.

Cat was about to insult that name when she thought about it.

"Yes, maintains the super aspect, while also not making you seem too old. Supergirl. I like it." Cat said.

"So, I'm a bit busy, so let's get this interview over with." Supergirl said.

"I can understand a busy schedule. So, my first question is probably the one everyone's been wondering since you appeared. What is your relationship to the man of steel?" Cat asked.

"Superman is my older cousin." Supergirl said.

"Next question, why haven't you shown up before now?" Cat asked.

"The world didn't need me until now. Superman had the world pretty well protected. But the explosion here in Central City made me realize that just because Superman is protecting the world, the world still needed me to." Supergirl said as she continued answering Cat's question.

"Okay, final question." Cat said.

"What is it?" Supergirl asked.

"Is Supergirl super single?" Cat asked and Supergirl rolled her eyes at that.

"Yes, but not ready to mingle. I'm still getting the hang of this superhero thing. Not quite ready for a date yet." Supergirl said, though that was technically a lie, but Cat didn't need to know that.

"Thank you. I think I have everything I need for my article." Cat said.

"I'll be on my way then." Supergirl said as she flew off.

"Kiera." Cat said, calling for her assistant, who appeared a few minutes later.

"Yes Ms. Grant?" Kara asked.

"I want you to tell editing that I'm crashing the cover and head story of our next issue. I just got an interview with Supergirl and I'm personally writing that article about her and that will be our lead story." Cat said.

"I'll get right on it. And I've already called in your lunch order." Kara said.

"Good." Cat said as Kara left her office.

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