Chapter 54

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This chapter should answer the question a lot of people have been asking since I posted the last one.

Phoenix was doing the best she could to draw Black Manta's fire while Supergirl saved the plane and the Flash was charging up a lightning bolt, but she was eventually forced to land, since flying and shooting fire took a lot of energy, but she still hadn't managed to get a solid hit in.

"Where's Green Arrow when you need him?" Phoenix asked as she dodged another one of Manta's attacks.

"There's no one who can save you from me." Black Manta said, right as a breach opened and Vibe and Firestorm jumped out of it.

"Mind some extra party crashers." Vibe shouted as he met Black Manta's laser blasts with his vibe blasts.

"We've got him distracted." Phoenix said as she and Firestorm began shooting fire at Black Manta, right as the Flash sped up and tossed a lightning bolt right at Black Manta, which combined with both fire blasts from Phoenix and Firestorm, was enough to knock him backwards.

"That was tough. Supergirl, what's your status?" Flash asked over the comms.

"Still busy trying to get this plane to the water. I'll join you as soon as I can." Supergirl said as she continued trying to catch the plane.

"Copy that." Flash said suddenly, Vibe was knocked back by another laser blast and they all turned to see Black Manta, still standing and barely scratched by the attack.

"Did you really think it would be that easy?" Black Manta asked as he lunged forward and knocked Firestorm one way and Phoenix the other, sending them flying back, showing he also had enhanced strength.

"You don't have the power to defeat me." Black Manta said as he then knocked the Flash back into the ground to and he was struggling to get back up, since that punch had really knocked the wind out of him.

"We'll never stop fighting people like you." Flash said as he struggled to get up.

"Oh yes, you will." Black Manta said as he prepared to finish the Flash off, when suddenly he was knocked off his feet by what looked like water.

"No." Black Manta said as all eyes turned over to where the water attack had come from to see a tall, muscular man wearing golden and green armor with some sort fish scale design on it with long brown hair and golden eyes standing there, holding what looked like a golden trident in his hand. On his belt was some kind of weird looking A.

"Who are you?" Flash asked.

"A friend." the man said as he lunged forward so he was standing right in front of him.

"You." Black Manta said.

"Did you honestly think I wouldn't track you down. Attacking Superman's home turf? You're either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid." the man said.

"I've beaten you before, I'll do it again." Black Manta said as he blasted the man, who simply spun his trident to block the blast.

"No, you won't." the man said with a smile as suddenly Supergirl rammed into Manta and knocked him back.

"Who are you?" Supergirl asked the newcomer.

"Call me Aquaman." the guy said.

"Aquaman. Seriously, that's the name you're going with?" Vibe asked, though Phoenix gasped.

"You're real?" Phoenix asked.

"Wait, you've heard of him?" Flash asked her.

"Urban legends regarding metas and super powered individuals. Particularly rumors of Atlantis." Phoenix said.

"I'd love to continue this conversation, but I'd rather get Kane here somewhere he can't hurt anyone." this Aquaman said.

"Okay then. Any ideas?" Supergirl asked as her comms lit up.

"Supergirl, it's Alex, there's an Argus blacksite a few blocks from your location. White Canary and I will meet you there. I think it's time we had a talk with Black Manta. He's on Argus's most wanted list." Alex said over her comms.

"Copy that. What about this Aquaman?" Supergirl asked.

"See if you can get him to come to, since Argus has been investigating him since Amanda Waller's time." Alex said.

"Got it." Supergirl said as she relayed this info to the others.

"Kane is all yours, but I need to go with you collect his gear. It's stolen property. I'll explain things in a more secure environment." Aquaman said and Supergirl nodded.

"Vibe, open us a breach." Supergirl said as she gave Vibe the location and he nodded as he opened the breach for them all to go through.

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