Chapter 94

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"Whoa, why is there a strange guy in our lair?" Felicity asked as she and Caitlin entered it to find Carter standing there with Barry, Kara and Cisco.

"Relax, he's on our side. This is Carter Hall, aka Hawkman." Barry said.

"Wait, as in the birdman of Central City?" Felicity asked.

"It's Hawkman, not Birdman." Carter said.

"Well, what is he doing here?" Caitlin asked.

"He needs our help." Barry said and Carter proceeded to tell them the same story he'd told Kara, Barry and Cisco.

"So you are the current incarnation of an ancient Egyptian prince, a barista is the reincarnation of your lover, some priestess and you're both being hunted by some kind of immortal madman?" Caitlin asked after he was done.

"Well that's sort of dumbing it all down, but essentially yes." Carter said.

"Wow, and here I thought aliens were the weirdest thing I'd ever hear of. No offense." Caitlin said to Kara.

"None taken. Believe me, this whole thing is weirder than anything I've dealt with and I am actually supposed to be older than Superman right now." Kara said.

"Excuse me?" Felicity asked.

"Long story, I'll tell you later." Kara said and Felicity nodded.

"What's the plan exactly?" Caitlin asked.

"Well first, we need to get Kendra to believe this." Barry said.

"Once we do that, I can teach her how to emerge into her powers and then we can start working on a plan to take out Savage." Carter said.

"So, any ideas on how we convince her of all this?" Felicity asked as all eyes turned to Carter.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Carter asked.

"Well, I'm pretty sure you've got some ideas on how to convince Kendra of all this, since you've gone through it before." Barry said.

"Yes, but it's different each time, since in each life time, while she's still essentially the same person, her likelihood to believe it will depend heavily on how her life was like before she emerged." Carter said.

"What usually works the best at convincing her?" Barry asked.

"Savage finds her before I do. He knows that she'll never fall for him, so he makes her emerge before killing her." Carter said.

"Why not just kill her as soon as he finds her?" Caitlin asked.

"Because, the reason he kills us is to maintain his immortality. It only works if our powers have already emerged, since only then can our life force be transferred to him." Carter said.

"So what you're saying is that as long as Kendra doesn't emerge, she's safe?" Felicity asked.

"I already know what you're thinking and trust me, it won't work. Even when we haven't emerged, Savage is like a bloodhound, he will always find us, no matter what happens, whether we've emerged or not. And at least when Kendra emerges, she'll have powers and some combat training to fall back on. Right now, she's defenseless." Carter explained and Felicity nodded.

"Well then, any other suggestions on how we can convince her?" Kara asked, right as the computers beeped.

"What was that?" Caitlin asked.

"That was an alert to the CCPD." Cisco said.

"Why are we monitoring those?" Kara asked.

"Because, this is Kendra's phone. She's reporting some knife wielding maniac with a melon hairdo breaking into her apartment, trying to kill her." Cisco said.

"That's Savage." Carter said.

"Felicity, contact Joe, tell the CCPD to stand down, their officers will only get hurt. Caitlin, call Ronnie and Iris, tell them to meet us there. The rest of us suit up." Barry said and they all nodded in agreement with that plan.

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