Chapter 85

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"Father." J'onn said as he turned to face his father.

"J'onn, you came." M'yrnn said and J'onn just nodded as he hugged his father.

"Of course I came father. You had any doubt I would?" J'onn asked.

"No, I knew you'd come. For so long, I believed I was the last of our kind, and then I finally managed to find you." M'yrnn said.

"Not to break up this is little reunion, but we should get moving before reinforcements come." Kara said.

"She's right father." J'onn said and M'yrnn nodded as he let J'onn lead him out of the prison.

"We cannot leave yet." M'yrnn said.

"What, why?" J'onn asked.

"The white martians have discovered the location of the staff of Kolar. I know it's location, but you must find it and secure it before it falls into the wrong hands." M'yrnn said.

"Where is it?" J'onn asked.

"Near the L'orien crater." M'yrnn said.

"I'll get him to the Resistance base, you need to tell the Resistance fighters where this staff is and then get it. I'll keep him safe, I promise." Kara said and J'onn looked torn, but after seeing his father nod, he nodded.

"I know you will Kara. We will be reunited soon. And when I return, I will have the staff with me." J'onn said and M'yrnn smiled.

"I have no doubt of that my son." M'yrnn said with a smile as he watched his son leave.

"You are from Krypton, aren't you?" M'yrnn said, nodding at the glyph on Kara's chest.

"I am. And as much as I'd like to help J'onn, my knowledge of this planet is limited. I only know how to find my way back to the resistance base." Kara said.

"Take me there please and then go and assist my son. I lost him once. I cannot go through that again." M'yrnn said and Kara nodded.

"Of course." Kara said since she understood that.

After they'd lost sight of Zoom, Barry had search all over city for him, but there was nothing and according to Felicity, she couldn't track him with the satellites.

"How could he be hiding from us?" Barry asked as he and Jesse sped back into the base to find the rest of the team waiting for them.

"No clue. Somehow he's keeping his speed force signature hidden and until I can figure out how, we're gonna have to wait for him to make a move." Felicity said.

"Not surprising, considering I've never been able to track his speed either. Something about his suit prevented me and my father from tracking him by his speed force signature to. I'm honestly amazed you were able to do it here." Jesse said.

"What do you know about this Zoom?" Caitlin asked as she noticed the way this Jesse was looking at her, but decided to talk to her about it later.

"He's a monster. He got his powers around the same time as I did, when the particle accelerator on my earth exploded, though my father managed to pipe the explosion underground to somewhat limit exposure, but I was hit by lightning along with the dark matter, which turned me into the fastest woman alive. However, when I got my powers, the lightning strike put me in a coma for a few months but not Zoom, since people say they could spot him a few hours after the explosion. And while I was in a coma, Zoom went on a rampage, killing people for no reason and trying to recruit every metahuman he could to his cause. Nearly all of them did." Jesse said and Barry and Cisco nodded, since that tracked with what they'd heard about Zoom originally.

"You said nearly all of them did. Some of them didn't. Who?" Caitlin asked and Jesse looked at her.

"You." Jesse said.

"What?" Caitlin asked, much to her surprise and this was also a surprise to Barry and Cisco, since as far as they knew Earth 2 Killer Frost was very loyal to Zoom.

"You have the same powers on Earth 2, same alter ego, Killer Frost. Zoom tried to recruit her to his cause, but instead, she ice blasted him in the face." Jesse said and Caitlin actually chuckled.

"Not that I'm complaining, but why?" Barry asked.

"Because of me." Jesse said, causing all eyes to turn to her.

"What do you mean, because of you?" Cisco asked, though he had an idea.

"The Caitlin Snow of my earth and I, well, we're close. Really close." Jesse said.

"How close?" Caitlin asked.

"We've been together for 6 years." Jesse said, taking Caitlin aback.

"So you're dating my doppelganger?" Caitlin asked.

"Yep. It was that fact that got her to reject Zoom." Jesse said.

"Do you know who Zoom is?" Barry asked.

"No, no one except maybe his lieutenants do. All I know is that he's a lot faster than me and he's a step ahead. That's actually how I got here." Jesse said.

"What do you mean?" Felicity asked.

"Since Zoom is so much faster than I am, I've been trying to find ways to increase my speed artificially. One of those ways was this." Jesse said as she removed the emblem from her suit to reveal a small device that was very familiar to Barry and Cisco.

"I'm guessing this thing somehow utilizes tachyons to increase the speed force in your system?" Barry asked.

"Yeah, it's a speed force transmitter my dad created. I could already feel that I was going faster than I ever have before." Jesse said.

"That explains how you got here in the first place. You must've run so fast that you accidently shattered the dimensional barrier between our earths. Zoom must've somehow found out and followed you here, though how he breached here, I don't know." Cisco said.

"If we can open another breach back to my earth, we can lure him back." Jesse said.

"No, if he's come to this earth before, I'm sure he'll come back again and besides, he's been terrorizing your earth long enough as it is. Besides, you may not be fast enough to beat him, but I'm pretty sure I am." Barry said.

"Maybe Barry can teach you a few things to." Caitlin said and Jesse nodded as she put the emblem back on her suit.

"Let's get to work." Barry said.

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