Chapter 81

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"Talk to me Cisco, what's the status of our breacher?" Flash asked as he ran towards the location.

"I'm starting to think it's an Earth 2 speedster we're dealing with considering the speeds they're moving at." Cisco said over the comms.

"Well, where the hell are they?" Flash asked.

"The satellite's tracking them on 4th and Wilson." Cisco said.

"Copy that, I"ll get them there." Flash said as he sped off in that direction, timing it just right to see who their mystery breacher was a speedster like Cisco said and now Barry was beginning to think that this speedster might've just breached here by accident like how he'd originally met Kara.

However, he still needed to find out who it was, though he could tell by the lightning color that is was not Zoom. It anything, it looked like that Earth's Flash.

Anyways, Barry ran up to the other speedster.

"Hey, slow down." He shouted as the other speedster turned to face him and now Barry could tell it was a woman and she actually looked a bit familiar to him, before she lost her footing and tripped and came to a stop as Flash came to a stop next to her.

"Damn it." the woman said as she managed to get to her feet and after hearing her voice and actually seeing her suit, Flash knew who this was.

"Who are you?" the woman asked.

"I'm the Flash." Barry said.

"What, no that's impossible." the woman said.

"And why's that?" Barry asked.

"Because I'm the Flash." the woman said.

After a bit of debating over this, the two speedsters both agreed that the best thing for them to do was to go to Star Labs.

"So, we've got another speedster." Cisco said as he waited for them in SuperFlash cave.

"Yep. She claims she's the Flash." Barry said as he removed his cowl, but the woman still kept her mask on.

"Hey, I'm trusting you with my face, you can trust me with yours." Barry said, even though he and Cisco already knew who she was and the woman sighed and nodded as she removed her mask.

"Jesse?" Cisco asked.

"You know me?" Jesse Wells asked.

"We know a version of you. Do you recognize us?" Barry asked, needing to test this.

"No, should I?" Jesse asked and Barry and Cisco both inwardly sighed in relief at that.

"I'm Barry Allen and this is Cisco Ramon." Barry said.

"Jesse Wells." Jesse said.

"So, what did you mean you're the Flash. The Jesse Wells or Jesse Morgan as she goes by here, isn't even a speedster." Barry asked, even though he already knew.

"I think I may have run faster than I anticipated, since I think I'm on the wrong Earth." Jesse said.

"So, the multiverse theory, it's true?" Cisco asked.

"It appears so. I guess in my latest speed test I ran so fast I managed to breach the dimensional barrier and traveled to this earth." Jesse said.

"So, you're a speedster on your Earth?" Barry asked and Jesse nodded.

"They call me the Flash." Jesse said.

"We should figure out how to get you home before you draw unwanted attention." Cisco said, since even though he could've easily just breached her home immediately, he hadn't technically accessed that ability yet in this reality.

"My dad is probably working on it at our Star Labs. I'm sure he probably is here to." Jesse said.

"Actually, on our earth, your dad is dead. It's a long story." Barry said.

"Okay then." Jesse said, since even though she'd known that there'd be differences on this earth from her own, it was still a bit of a shock to find out her dad was dead on this earth.

"Yeah but anyways, I will see if I can figure out how to get you back." Cisco said and Jesse nodded, right as Caitlin entered the base.

"Wait, what is Jesse doing in here wearing what looks like a speedster outfit?" Caitlin asked and Barry saw Jesse's face light up at the sight of Caitlin before calming down.

"I'm not your Jesse." Jesse said.

"What are you talking about?" Caitlin asked.

"Go get Professor Stein in here, something tells me he'll want to be in on this." Barry said and Cisco nodded as he walked out to get the professor.

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