Chapter 139

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"Are you ready Supergirl?" Brainy asked her as Kara laid on the same gurney she had the last time she went into the dark valley.

"As I'll ever be." Kara said.

"Remember, you and Sam will likely wake up in different parts of the dark valley. You'll need to find her and then help her find the fountain." Brainy said.

"I know, now crank it." Kara said and Brainy nodded as he engaged the machine.

When Sam opened her eyes, she was shocked and terrified to find herself in some kind of strange, dark valley.

"Hello, is anyone out there?" Sam called out, to no response.

"Where am I?" Sam asked, trying to make sense of it. However, she wasn't able to think for long as she heard a very loud, very scary sound behind her and rather than looking behind her to see what it was, Sam decided to simply run away from whatever it was she was sure was chasing her.

"Help, somebody." Sam shouted as she tripped and turned to see some kind of black, floating demon in coming up quickly to her, only to be blasted away by twin beams of blue energy.

Sam turned and was relieved to see Supergirl standing not that far from as she rushed over to the girl of steel.

"Supergirl, thank god." Sam said.

"Thanks for yelling out, it made it easier for me to find you." Supergirl said.

"You were looking for me?" Sam asked.

"Considering it was my plan to send you here, yeah, I was." Supergirl said.

"What do you mean it was your plan?" Sam asked.

"Sam, right now, we're not on Earth, we're in another dimension. Back on earth, you're in a coma, stuck on life support and bringing you here was the only way to save your life." Supergirl said.

"Why?" Sam asked.

"Because you're not human Sam. You never were. You're Kryptonian. Like me." Supergirl said.

"You're kidding." Sam said.

"No, I'm really not. Look Sam, it's hard to explain it all here, but you are kryptonian." Supergirl said.

"Then how come I don't have any powers like you?" Sam asked.

"It's hard to explain, but I'll try. Basically, when you were born on Krypton, you were genetically altered by Kryptonian witches and split into two entities. You, Samantha, your cells were changed to appear human, and your other half, Reign, a Kryptonian worldkiller." Supergirl said.

"You're kidding." Sam said, thinking there was no way it was real.

"I wish I was, but you and Reign were recently separated, but in doing so, it still left you two linked." Supergirl said.

"What do you mean, linked?" Sam said.

"It's why you're in a coma. Reign is basically draining your life force. The stronger she gets, the weaker you become. I brought you here so we can save you and weaken Reign enough so we can beat her." Supergirl said.

"Why should I believe anything you say?" Sam asked.

"Because doing what I say is the only way you'll see your daughter again." Supergirl said.

"Wait, how do you know about my daughter. You've never met her or me. How do you even know what my name is?" Sam asked and Supergirl sighed, knowing what she had to if she wanted Sam to trust her.

"I know it because I know you Sam." Kara said.

"How could you possibly know me?" Sam asked.

"Because we've been friends ever since you moved to Central City 2 years ago." Kara said.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked, wondering if Supergirl was actually revealing her secret identity to her.

"What I mean is that I've been inside your house, I've met your daughter, hell, I've had Ruby stay over at my house for you when you were working late." Kara said.

"Wait, Kara?" Sam asked, not believing that Supergirl really was one of her closest friends.

"It's me Sam. I am Supergirl. And I'm also Kara Allen, your friend." Kara said as she held out her hand, which Sam took.

"Why are you telling me this?" Sam asked.

"Because I need you to trust me Sam. I wish what I was telling you wasn't real, but it is." Kara said.

"So, how exactly do I get out of here?" Sam asked.

"There's a fountain somewhere in here, with waters that give both strength and weakness. If you drink the waters of strength, it'll make you strong enough to wake up and also allow your kryptonian genes to activate, while also making Reign weaker." Kara said.

"So we just search this place randomly for the fountain?" Sam asked.

"No, this isn't my first time in this place, I know where the fountain is and more importantly, which waters to drink." Kara said.

"Then by all means, please, lead the way." Sam said and Kara nodded as she led the way.

Meanwhile, back in the Fortress of Sanctuary, Reign was preparing for the next stage of her plan when suddenly, she felt weaker for a moment. Not by much, but enough to rouse concern.

"Curses, they must've found a way to send her into the valley. I cannot let her survive to get the power to stop me." Reign said as she knew now what she had to do in order to ensure the success of her plan.

She was going back to Juru.

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