Chapter 97

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All three teams watched as Savage began chanting and pouring blood on the meteorites of the three different time period. The moment they started to glow, they all burst into action.

"Guys, is it just me or is that rock glowing?" Atom asked as they saw the meteorite glow as Savage chanted.

"That would be our cue." Green Arrow said as they lunged into action.

"You really think you can stop me?" Savage asked.

"Let's find out." Green Arrow said as he fired an arrow at Savage, only for it to be intercepted by weird birdmen.

"Looks like we got some party crashers." Arsenal said.

"We have to get past them and stop Savage before he finishes the ritual." Green Arrow said.

"You heard the man." Phoenix said as she and Firestorm took to the sky and the began fighting their way to Savage.

"Let's do this." Flash said as he and his team moved to intercept Savage.

Flash quickly sped through all of Savage's troops, leaving him alone.

"Remind me again about why you needed all of us for this?" White Canary asked.

"Because I was just making sure you guys saved your strength for the main event." Flash said.

"Got it. Speaking of, shall we begin?" Black Canary asked as Savage turned to face them.

"You really think you can stop me?" Savage asked.

"Only one way to find out." Flash said as they began to engage Savage himself.

"So, who wants Savage?" Supergirl asked.

"He's ours." Carter said, referring to himself and Kendra, who nodded.

"Okay then." Supergirl said, right as the ground began to shake.

"What the hell. Is this an earthquake?" Vortex asked.

"I don't think so." Rip said as a shadow was cast over them and they turned to see a giant robot standing over them.

"What is that thing?" Vortex asked.

"Beautiful isn't it. It's called the Leviathan. And you're about to see what it can do." Savage said.

"I'll deal with the Leviathan. You guys deal with Savage." Supergirl said as she flew straight into the robot and sent stumbling back.

"Something tells me she's going to need help. If you get me back to the ship, maybe I can use it's systems to determine where that thing was sent from." Zari said.

"Do it." Rip said and Wally nodded as he grabbed Zari and sped off towards the Waverider.

"Did you really think I wouldn't be prepared for resistance Ghareeb?" Savage asked.

"Didn't expect you bring a giant robot." Rip said.

"I needed something to keep your mightiest allies distracted." Savage said.

"Enough. I'm bored now." Killer Frost said as she shot an ice blast at Savage, who dodged it.

"Let's end this. Once and for all." Rip said as both hawks spread their wings and they lunged towards Savage as Kid Flash returned.

"Vortex is working on that robot with help from Gideon, we just need to hopefully buy her enough time." Kid Flash said.

"Then that's what we'll do. I just hope Supergirl will be okay." Rip said, though after risking a glance back, he had to say it looked like she had things well in hand, since she was using the fact that she was smaller and faster to dodge the robot's attacks and also took advantage of her heat vision whenever she could.

For those of you who are wondering, the reason why I brought the Leviathan was because I felt that with Supergirl's powers, she'd end this too quickly. I wanted to space this out a bit longer, so having her fight the Leviathan seemed like a good way to keep it from ending too quickly.

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