Chapter 5

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To say Alex was surprised when her sister, in full Supergirl gear, flew into the DEO base in Central City.

"How did you find this place?" Alex demanded.

"My cousin warned me about the DEO after I revealed myself as Supergirl." Kara said.

"Speaking of, why did you do that?" Alex demanded.

"The particle accelerator explosion made me realized that world needed another hero." Kara said.

"But are you really a hero?" a new voice said and Kara and Alex turned to see Hank Henshaw, no J'onn J'onzz approach them.

"Yes. Because not only am I trying to help people, but unlike this place, I do it in the light of day. Besides, something tells me that you need my help tracking down the Fort Rozz escapees." Kara said.

"How do you know about that?" Hank asked.

"I have my ways. By the way, has anyone ever considered checking Fort Rozz for any inmates?" Kara asked, saying that just to make the DEO feel stupid, considering how they tried to hold her back when she first started the first time around.

"No, we haven't." Hank said, feeling a little stupid.

"Leave that to me. But the reason I'm here is to make it clear that while you can count me as an ally, I don't take orders from you. Is that clear?" Kara asked, her stance just daring Hank to challenge her.

"Fine. For now." J'onn said.

"Also, I believe you have something of mine and I'm not talking about the pod." Kara said.

"Take what's yours." Hank relented and Kara nodded as she retrieved her mother's AI from her pod, which was still on display.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a space prison to check out and then send back into space." Kara said.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Alex asked.

"I'm sending Fort Rozz back to the stars where it belongs." Kara said.

"I do have one request." Hank said.

"What is it?" Kara asked.

"Wait until after the DEO has recaptured any prisoners on the fortress before you send it into space." Hank said.

"I can agree to that. I'll call Alex when I'm done." Kara said and Hank nodded as she flew out.

"You're just letting her fly out like that?" Alex asked.

"She's a grown woman and frankly, she'd bring too much light on this organization." Hank said and Alex sighed before nodding.

"I'm just glad I don't have to lie to her about what I do, especially since I'm still sleeping on her couch." Alex said and Hank rolled his eyes at her.

As she flew to Fort Rozz, Kara began trying to think about what she'd say to talk her aunt down, since she couldn't reveal that her mother was still alive. Once things calmed down in Central City, she knew she needed to investigate Argo's fate in this new universe.

Anyways, when Supergirl landed at the prison, she took a deep breath.

"Come on out Astra. I know you're here." Kara shouted and a few moments later, her aunt flew out to meet her.

"I'm surprised, no soldiers?" Kara asked.

"This is a family matter. How did you even know I was alive?" Astra asked.

"My mother included an AI hologram of herself in my pod. Including what happened to you. And your plans." Kara said.

"You know about Myriad?" Astra asked.

"Yes and I was hoping I could talk you out of it." Kara said.

"What, Myriad can save this planet." Astra said.

"No, it can't. Just like how even if it had prevented Krypton's destruction, the planet wouldn't have been worth living on it." Kara said.

"What?" Astra asked.

"You wouldn't just be removing free will, you'd be removing emotion. Parents wouldn't recognize their children, brothers wouldn't recognize sisters, nieces wouldn't recognize aunts." Kara said, adding that part in to get to Astra and she could tell it was working.

"That was means." Astra said.

"That's right Astra. You'd never get to truly hold or hug your little one again." Kara said, using the old nickname Astra had given her.

"You're right. Myriad was not the way." Astra finally acknowledged, realizing that everything her niece had just said was true.

"Please Astra, come home. I can convince the DEO to give you a pardon. Just help me stop the rest of your army." Kara said and Astra nodded.

"We should probably start fighting them now." Astra said as Non flew out, their army intact.

"You will pay for steering Astra off course Kara Zor-El." Non said.

"Stand down Non." Astra said.

"No. You are a traitor to our cause Astra. And you will be dealt with as such." Non said as Kara and Astra began to fight his whole army.

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