Chapter 55

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"So, the rumors about you are true." Iris said to Aquaman as they waited for Alex and Sara to arrive and Kara and the others had already felt like they could trust this guy with their real identities.

"Yep. I'm real." Aquaman said.

"Iris, how do you know about this?" Barry asked.

"Like you, I've been looking into things like superheroes for years, around when Superman first appeared. Until now there were just rumors and whispers online about a mysterious man who helped sailors lost at sea and saved ships. Never had any real confirmed sightings until now." Iris said.

"Yeah, I've only recently decided to start getting out in public." Aquaman said.

"Hey um, not to interrupt, but considering the fact that we've trust you with our identities, maybe you could tell us your real name." Kara said and Aquaman chuckled.

"Fair enough. My name is Arthur Curry." Arthur said as Alex and Sara joined them.

"So, the rumors are real. Aquaman does exist." Alex said.

"Wait, you knew about him?" Kara asked her sister.

"I didn't know he was real. Argus keeps tabs on all possible rumors regarding enhanced individuals besides aliens, since that's the DEO's purview. I've been trying to find proof of him for years." Alex said.

"We can get into all that later, right now I think we're all more interested in Black Manta. Alex, you said he was on Argus's most wanted list?" Sara asked her girlfriend.

"Yeah, even before he got that exo-suit, he was a criminal, a pirate scavenging the oceans and then when he got that suit and began killing people with it, he got on Argus's radar, since we weren't sure the origin of that tech, since it doesn't look alien." Alex said.

"That's because it isn't, it's Atlantean." Arthur said, causing all eyes on him.

"Wait, Atlantean, as in the lost underwater city of Atlantis?" Cisco asked.

"Technically Atlantis is made up of 5 kingdoms at the moment, but yeah. I'm honestly surprised you didn't mention that, since nearly every story about me is related to Atlantis." Arthur said.

"Wait, you expect us to believe that one of the biggest legends in history is suddenly real?" Alex asked skeptically.

"Actually, a lot of things people think are myths are actually real. I mean, I'm proof that, seeing as I'm an alien." Kara said.

"And a lot of people still think Batman is an urban myth, but it turns out he's real." Barry pointed out.

"I'm sorry, but you have admit, this does sound a little too good to be true." Alex said and Arthur chuckled.

"Don't worry, I get it, but it's true. That gear Manta was using is Atlantean." Arthur said.

"And how would you know that?" Sara asked.

"Because he was given that gear to kill me. It's a long story." Arthur said.

"Well I think we should hear it." Cisco said eagerly.

"Fine. I am not only Aquaman, I am also the king of Atlantis. But that is actually a very recent development." Arthur said.

"What happened?" Alex asked curiously.

"I am a half breed. Half human, half atlantean. My father is a lighthouse keeper and my mother was the queen of Atlantis. She came to the surface fleeing an arranged marriage and after my father saved her life after she'd been hurt, they fell in love and had me. But eventually, she had to leave to protect us. I learned eventually that Atlantis had apparently killed her and I never wanted anything to do with them after that." Arthur said.

"Well considering that you're now their king, something must've happened to change that." Barry said and Arthur chuckled again.

"Life has a funny way of working sometimes. My younger half brother Orn, the king of Atlantis before me wanted to wage war on the surface, a war that even with the aid of every hero on this planet, the surface would've lost due how advanced Atlantean technology is. The only way to stop the war was for me to take my rightful place on the throne and that's actually where Kane here comes into the story." Arthur said.

"Okay well, I'm assuming that this Orn guy wouldn't just stand down and give you the throne?" Kara said.

"Oh no, he tried to kill me in a trial by combat when I challenged him for the throne. He nearly succeeded, but I was saved by Orn's former fiance, as in she dumped him by saving me and the two of us left to search for this." Arthur said as he held out his trident.

"What's with the trident?" Cisco asked.

"It belonged to my ancestor, the first king of Atlantis, King Atlan. This trident is what caused Atlantis to fall into the sea. It's one of the most powerful weapons on the planet. It was lost with King Atlan after the fall, since the king went into exile in shame for what happened. It was said that only his true heir could retrieve the trident and through much difficulty, I did and defeating Orn in combat a second time with it, I became king and stopped the war." Arthur said.

"But how does Black Manta play into that story?" Alex asked.

"David Kane was hired by Orn to attack a US navy sub to use to make it look like the surface attacked atlantis. I got in the way and after I saved the sub's crew, he and his father tried to kill me, but instead his father got injured on the sub as went down. Kane blames me for not saving him." Arthur said.

"Okay, that explains how he knew you, but the atlantean battle suit?" Kara asked.

"Gift from Orn. the woman who saved me, Mera, is daughter of King Nereus of the Atlantean nation of Xebel, which was the first nation to join Orn's crusade. Orn couldn't directly attack or kill me or Mera without jeopardizing their alliance. So he gave Kane the tech and some of his elite commandos to kill us, since just like Supergirl, most human weapons like bullets and blades don't work on me. Atlantean weapons do." Arthur said.

"So that's how he got the tech. To kill you?" Alex asked.

"Yep, honestly until today I thought he was dead considering what happened the last time we locked horns." Arthur said.

"So, you came to collect the tech?" Sara asked.

"Yes. You can lock him up however you want, that suit is property of Atlantis and I'm taking it back there. Though I do appreciate the help." Arthur said to Kara.

"My pleasure. But now, we really need to be getting back before people start wondering where we are." Kara said.

"I can breach you guys back to the reception." Cisco offered.

"Great, just give us a second to change." Kara said and after a few minutes, she, Barry and Iris changed from super suits back to their wedding attire and since Alex and Sara were still in their wedding attire, Cisco opened the breach for them to go back to the wedding.

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