Chapter 115

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The wedding reception was taking place in the main ballroom of the hotel that all the out of town guests were staying in.

"Will everyone please clear the floor for Barry and Kara Allen's first dance as husband and wife." the DJ asked as the floor was cleared as Barry led Kara onto the dancefloor.

"I still can't believe you talked me into choosing this song for our first dance." Kara said as the song they'd chosen up for their first dance was none other than Put a little Love in your heart by Jackie DeShannon.

"What, it's not like we danced the first time we heard this." Barry said, remembering how they'd first heard this song in the musical world.

"True, but did you really have to ask Cisco sing it?" Kara asked, since Cisco was singing and they all had to admit, he really did have a great voice.

Barry just smiled as he twirled her around and Kara couldn't help but smile as well as they continued their dance.

"Put a little love in your heart." Cisco sang as the song came to an end and everyone clapped.

Later on that night, Barry and Kara found themselves talking to Oliver.

"Did you two really have to pair me with Felicity in your wedding party?" Oliver asked them, though it was clear he was only half annoyed.

"Honestly, we did that mostly to see your reaction." Barry said unapologetically.

"Of course you did. But you know there's no chance of Felicity and I ever happening now right?" Oliver asked, since not only did they live in different cities with different obligations, but Oliver was also married to Laurel.

"Of course we do. Besides, it's not like she came here alone." Barry said, referencing over to the man sitting with Felicity and he looked very familiar to him.

"Who is that she brought as her date?" Kara asked.

"Why don't we go find out?" Barry said and Kara nodded.

"You want to come with?" Kara asked Oliver.

"Thanks, but I'm good." Oliver said with a smile.

"Before we go, are you at least planning on checking in on William while you're in town?" Barry asked and the smile left Oliver's face.

"No. I'm trying to keep my distance from William. He's better off without me in his life." Oliver said.

"A boy needs his father." Barry pointed out.

"Not this father." Oliver said.

"So what are you gonna do when your's and Laurel's baby is born?" Kara asked, since Sara had told them.

"That's different. This child will grow up in this incredibly weird world. They'll be able to adapt. William can't. He's grown up having a normal life. I don't want to ruin that." Oliver said and they nodded.

"I guess that makes sense." Kara said.

"Once William turns 18, then his mother has agreed that we can talk about him finally meeting me." Oliver said.

"Well, hopefully those years will go by quickly." Barry said and Oliver nodded.

"Felicity, are you gonna introduce us to your date?" Barry asked, though he recognized the man she was with.

"Oh right. Barry, Kara, this is my boyfriend, Julian Albert. Julian, I believe you've heard of my boss and his new wife." Felicity said as Julian got up.

"Pleasure to meet you and congratulations." Julian said, much to Barry's surprise.

"Really. What exactly is it you do Julian?" Barry asked as Joe and Cecille joined them.

"Actually, Julian is your replacement as CCPD." Joe said.

"Really." Barry said and Julian nodded.

"Yes, though Captain Singh and Detective still seem to compare me to you some times." Julian said and Barry chuckled.

"Well I'm sorry about that, but I'm sure that you'll make your mark." Barry said.

"Anyways, how long have you two been together?" Kara asked.

"A few weeks." Felicity said.

"And you never told us." Kara said playfully.

"Well, no time like the present." Felicity said.

"I have to say, there are lot of famous names here." Julian said.

"Tell me about it, Cat Grant, Melissa Starr, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Oliver Queen, Laurel Queen, Ray Palmer, Bruce Wayne and several others." Joe said, since it was a gathering of the who's who of superheroes.

"Lot of famous friends." Kara said.

"Plus Melissa Starr is her mother." Barry added.

"Really." Julian said.

"Yeah. It's a long story." Kara said and Julian nodded, knowing better than to get involved in family drama.

Alex smiled as she saw J'onn approach her and Sara, though he was surprised to see a woman next to him.

"J'onn, who is this?" Alex asked with a smile.

"Alex, this is M'gann M'orzz. She leads the White Martian Resistance on Mars." J'onn said.

"And his mate." M'gann added.

"Wait, are you two married?" Alex asked eagerly.

"More like dating." J'onn said.

"For now." M'gann said and Alex smiled.

"It's nice to know that you've found someone J'onn. I'm guessing that you're going back to Mars after the wedding?" Alex asked.

"Yeah. We're so close to taking the planet from the Whites." J'onn said.

"But before we go, I want to see if Kara's father had any progress with the project we asked of him." M'gann said.

"I think my parents actually helped him with that, so maybe." Alex said, right as they were called for over for the cake.

"I'm surprised neither of you have already inhaled the whole cake yet." Cisco said to Barry and Kara as everyone gathered around the huge chocolate cake that was covered in white frosting with red and blue ribbons embroidering it and on top, as a little joke, were figures of the bride and groom, only they were dressed as Supergirl and the Flash. The people in the know had laughed at that while those not in the know had simply thought that the two were super fans of Central City's resident superheroes.

"Trust me, I thought about it." Kara said as they began cutting the cake.

After the cake was distributed, Kara called all the single and unmarried ladies to the center of the room for the bouquet toss.

Among the women standing there were Alex, Sara, Caitlin, Nia, Jesse, Iris, Zari, Thea, Lyla, Diana, Felicity, Astra and Cecille.

Kara turned so her back was facing the crowd and then tossed the bouquet behind her towards the ladies, particularly aiming for her sister.

Even Oliver would be impressed by her aim, since Alex caught the bouquet perfectly and everyone clapped.

"Well, it looks like we've got another wedding to prepare for." Eliza said as Alex just looked over at Sara with a smile and walked over to her.

However, before Alex could even get down on one knee, Sara said "Yes."

"Yes?" Alex asked, wanting to be sure.

"Yes I will marry you." Sara said and Alex smiled as she kissed her new fiance.

When the reception finally came to an end, the crowd smiled as they saw Barry lead Kara out to the limo that had just pulled up and helped her inside it. As it drove away, everyone clapped as they saw streamers fly from behind it and the limo also sporting a sign that read, just married.

And now Barry and Kara are married. I'll be going back to Destiny Rewritten for a few chapters now. Hope you all liked the wedding arc and I will be back to this story as soon as I can.

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