Chapter 12

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The next day, after she'd finished her job at Catco for the day, Kara asked Cisco to meet her outside Star Labs.

"So, what do you need from me now?" Cisco asked.

"I need you to vibe these." Kara said, holding out her glasses to him.

"Vibe your glasses?" Cisco asked, confused.

"My foster father made them. I need to know if there's a chance he's still alive." Kara said and Cisco nodded as he took the glasses in his hands and vibed them.

"Well?" Kara asked Cisco when he finished.

"He's definitely still alive." Cisco said.

"Could you see where he was?" Kara asked.

"There was a window and I saw a building in the background. It looked like Lord Tech building." Cisco said.

"National City. Of course Cadmus is still based out of there even though I'm not. I honestly thought they'd be based in Central City now. Trying to abduct metahumans to level the playing field against aliens." Kara said.

"Don't give them any ideas." Cisco warned and Kara sighed.

"Did you see anything else?" Kara asked.

"I think I can do you one better. I can show you my vibe." Cisco reminded her as they joined hands and Cisco brought them into his vibe and Kara immediately recognized the location.

"Thank you Cisco. I've seen enough." Kara said as Cisco nodded and ended the vibe.

"So, did you recognize the place?" Cisco asked.

"Yeah, it was the exact same place I saw Jeremiah the first time around when he first appeared with Cadmus. I'll be back in like an hour or so." Kara said as she held her ring up to the sky as it ejected her suit and she flew up into it before flying off.

"Nice talking to you." Cisco said, rolling his eyes at her, though he understood her eagerness. He just hoped the kryptonite shield he'd installed in the S in her suit worked.

When Supergirl arrived in National City, she began heading to the building she knew Jeremiah was being held in.

The moment she saw the building, she rammed into it at full strength, slamming through a window and shocking about a dozen Cadmus troops.

"I'm only going to say this once, hand over Jeremiah Danvers now and you'll get out of this untouched. Refuse and you'll need to spend a few months in a hospital." Supergirl said, hoping the shield Cisco had installed in her suit worked.

Every Cadmus agent aimed their weapons at her and fired, but to her surprise they were all lead bullets. They obviously hadn't gotten their hands on much kryptonite yet.

"You honestly think lead bullets will stop me?" Supergirl asked as she returned fire with her heat vision, sending the agents flying back and also using her new cape tricks to disable them as she fought her way through the base.

"Where is Jeremiah Danvers?" Supergirl asked as she held one Cadmus agent by his throat.

"I'll never tell." the agent said as Supergirl tossed him aside, not hard enough to kill him, but enough to get her point across.

She was about to continue on when she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"Kara?" the voice said and Supergirl turned to see the exact person she was looking for standing in front of her.

"Jeremiah." Kara said as she rushed up and hugged him.

"How did you find me?" Jeremiah asked when they separated.

"It's a long story, but I'm here to rescue you. You've been away from your family for too long." Kara said and she could tell Jeremiah was conflicted.

"You don't have to protect us anymore. Cadmus was never going to leave me alone in the end. Come with me and you can help us prepare to stop them." Kara said and after another moment, Jeremiah nodded.

"Okay, let's go." Jeremiah said as Kara nodded and picked him up and flew them both out of the building.

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