Chapter 151

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That night, Leslie Willis was drinking heavily at a dingy bar.

"Whoa, what's got you drinking so heavily tonight." the bartender asked.

"My boss is a bitch. She cut my pay simply because I wouldn't listen to her." Leslie said.

"Don't you kind of have to do what the boss tells you to do?" her bartender asked.

"She was trying to dictate my content. Tell me how to run my show." Leslie said.

"Look, I'm not trying to take sides here, but it sounds like she was trying to go easy on you." the bartender said as Leslie scoffed angrily as she reached for another drink, only to have the bartender pull it away.

"Sorry honey, but this is for your own good." the bartender said.

"You can't cut me off." Leslie protested.

"I just did. I think you should go home." the bartender said as gestured for security to help Leslie find her way out.

"No, I'm not going anywhere." Leslie said protested as she shook the man off.

"Miss, you've been asked to leave. Please, find your way to the exit." the security guard said.

"I said no." Leslie said as suddenly, electricity crackled off her and she shot lightning from her hands, which thankfully missed anyone, but it did get everyone's attention.

However, almost immediately, she blacked out.

When Leslie woke up the next morning, she found herself in the drunk tank at CCPD.

"Not again." Leslie said, since this was not the first time she'd been picked up for drinking.

"I have to say Ms. Willis, you're becoming a bit of a repeat offender, though this is the first time we've had to turn the power dampeners on for it." Joe said.

"What are you talking about?" Leslie asked.

"Maybe this will jog your memory." Joe said as he showed her the security footage from the bar.

"I'm a meta?" Leslie asked.

"I take it you had no idea." Joe asked.

"Not a clue." Leslie said as possibilities began to blossom in her mind, right as Joe opened the holding cell.

"What's going on?" Leslie asked.

"Your bails been posted, so you're free to go." Joe said.

"Who paid my bail?" Leslie asked.

"Your boss. She married my foster son, so I contacted her and she agreed to put up your bail, though she was not happy." Joe said and Leslie seethed.

"Great, now I owe her one." Leslie grumbled, already intending to free herself from that debt.

Kara and Nia were in talking about the progress Nia had been making in her training when suddenly the lights started flickering.

"Hey, what's going on?" Nia asked.

"Hopefully, it's nothing." Kara said, though she had her suspicions as she pulled out her phone to prepare to press the panic button Cisco had installed on it, since she had a feeling she knew where this was going.

Sure enough, the elevator doors opened and Leslie walked out, electricity crackling in her hands.

"Nia, get everyone out of here and call the police." Kara said and Nia nodded, not arguing with Kara, since she knew that Kara was probably right.

"Don't worry about them Mrs. Allen. You're the only one I'm after." Leslie said.

"Leslie, please don't do this." Kara said, playing the part of the scared boss perfectly as she placed her phone behind her back and pressed the panic button.

"You shouldn't have tried messing with how I did my show. Reducing my pay, dictating my content." Leslie snarled.

"You're lucky I didn't fire you, since I had half a mind to do so." Kara said, though she knew that at least for right now, it was pointless to try talking sense into Leslie.

"Oh please." Leslie snarked, rolling her eyes as she walked towards Kara menacingly, tossing electricity between her hands.

"Come on Barry, where are you?" Kara said under her breath.

"Why don't I give you a small taste of what I'm going to do to you first." Leslie said as she blasted Kara with electricity.

The blast came so quickly that Kara wasn't expecting it, and it hit her, surprisingly with enough force to send Kara flying backwards and feel a bit of pain, though she exaggerated it a bit so that Leslie wouldn't get suspicious.

"Barry, I swear to god, get your ass over here." Kara grumbled as she reached for her phone, only to have her hand blasted with lightning and her phone was destroyed.

"Nice try, but no calling for help for you." Leslie said.

"Leslie please." Kara said, knowing that she couldn't use her powers without blowing her cover and she had no intention of putting her family at risk just to save her own life.

"Don't call me Leslie. Call me, Livewire." Livewire said as she prepared to blast Kara again, this time with a more powerful blast.

Kara closed her eyes and prepared to take the blast, when suddenly, it didn't come.

"What?" Livewire asked as she tried to blast her ex boss, only for the electricity to get drawn into a blur of yellow lightning and sent right back at her.

"Flash." Livewire said as the scarlet speedster came to a stop.

"And you are?" Flash asked, though he already knew.

"Call me Livewire. And now, say goodbye to Kara Allen." Livewire said as she attempted to shoot more electricity at Kara, only for Flash to speed up and lightning punched her away, though he could tell that she'd absorbed the lightning used against her.

"Thanks for the top off Flash. But we'll finish this later." Livewire said, knowing that with the Flash here, it was only a matter of time until Supergirl arrived and while she could feel that the lightning from the Flash's attack had strengthened her somehow, she wasn't nearly powerful enough to tangle with a kryptonian. Not without more energy.

Before Flash could stop for, Livewire turned herself into electricity, escaping into the electrical wires of the office.

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