Chapter 68

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While J'onn was getting her the video footage she'd asked for, Kara decided to take this opportunity to talk to her parents and her aunt.

"Kara, what brings you here?" Jeremiah asked, relieved to see his foster daughter safe.

"Relax, I'm fine." Kara said her mother and aunt joined them.

"Jeremiah told us about this Lex Luthor's history with Kal-El. Can you honestly blame us for being worried about you?" Alura asked her daughter.

"Mom, I will be fine. The reason why Clark always had so much trouble with Lex is because he always went in alone. I have a whole team watching my back." Kara said.

"We know, but still." Astra said.

"I'll be fine. After all, I'm made of much stronger stuff than Kal." Kara said and Alura chuckled.

"I suppose that is true. But Kara, promise all of us that you'll be careful." Alura said and Kara smiled.

"I will be." Kara promised as J'onn approached them with a usb drive.

"This is all the security footage I could get from Stryker Island. I hope it helps." J'onn said as Kara took the drive from him.

"Me to. I'll let you know if anything comes up." Kara said as she pulled her phone out of her boot and after sending a quick text to Cisco and a few seconds later, a breach opened.

"Good luck Supergirl." J'onn said.

"Thanks, something tells me I'll need it." Kara said as she walked through the breach.

"So, I went through the footage, but it turns out it's not going to do us any good." Cisco said.

"What do you mean?" Barry asked.

"What I mean is that all security footage regarding Lex Luthor's cell from the day he escaped has been erased." Cisco said.

"They probably already checked that and then assumed it was an outside job." Kara said and Barry could practically see the gears turning in her head.

"What's going through that brain of yours?" Barry asked.

"I'm thinking that this was actually an inside job. Someone in the prison was helping Luthor. We find out who, we track them down and then we get some answers." Kara said.

"So, how do we do that?" Caitlin asked.

"We need to access the entire database of Stryker Island. We do that, we can find out all the personnel who were at the facility the day Luthor escaped. Then we can use that intel to find out if there was anyone there who might have reason to help him escape and then use them to find Lex." Kara said, impressing even Barry, who was beginning to think that maybe Kara was best person to lead this team, since until now, they'd sort of been serving as co-leaders, but now it was clear that she was a better person to lead them all together.

"Stryker Island is way off the grid, I can't access it." Cisco said.

"But there is someone else who might be able." Barry said.

"Who?" Iris asked.

"Our new head of the cyber security division in Star Labs. Felicity Smoak." Barry said, since while this was a lot sooner than they'd originally planned to bring Felicity in, sometimes there was no time like the present.

"Are you sure we can trust her?" Caitlin asked.

"Yes, we can. She's a huge vigilante supporter and since everyone on this team likes getting into the field now, we need someone running mission control for us and I think she could do that." Barry said as he looked to Kara.

"Do it." Kara said and Barry nodded.

Felicity was currently working on the specs for a new security system when she heard someone enter her office.

"Mr. Allen. Sorry, Barry, still getting used to that." Felicity said and Barry chuckled.

"It's fine Felicity. How are you liking Star Labs and Central City so far?" Barry asked.

"This is a dream come true." Felicity said.

"Well, I need you to come with me." Barry said.

"Is everything okay?" Felicity asked, worried she was in trouble.

"Don't worry, you're not in trouble, I'm bringing you in on a more secretive project here at Star Labs. Now will you please come with me?" Barry asked and Felicity immediately relaxed and nodded and after locking her computer, she jumped up.

"Where are we going?" Felicity asked.

"You'll see." Barry said as he led her to the area she'd been told was strictly off limits.

"I don't understand. I thought you said this area of Star Labs was off limits." Felicity said.

"It is, just not for the reasons everyone thinks. The only people who work here that have access to it are me, Cisco, Caitlin, Ronnie, Professor Stein and now you." Barry said as he gestured to the palm scanner and Felicity cautiously placed her hand on the pad and to her shock, the pad lit up green and she turned her hand, causing the door they were at to open and then reveal the entrance to what was formerly the particle accelerator.

"Is this the accelerator?" Felicity asked

"It was. We found a different use for it." Barry said as he placed his palm against against the next scanner, causing the fake wall to open and to Felicity's even greater shock, reveal the SuperFlash cave as Cisco had started to call it.

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