Chapter 106

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Killer Frost was continuously firing ice blasts all around the room at Zoom, but he kept dodging.

"Stay still." She growled, though part of the reason she couldn't land a solid hit is because she was also focused on keeping Jesse safe.

"You can't hit me unless you try to catch me." Zoom said and as much as Killer Frost knew he was right, she wasn't willing to leave Jesse undefended from him.

Suddenly, a breach opened and Zoom found himself running right into the fist of the Flash.

"You son of a bitch." Flash said as Earth 2 Flash, Vibe and Supergirl jumped out of the breach.

"What happened to her?" Flash 2 said as soon as she saw her doppelganger on the floor, her mouth actually starting to foam.

"Zoom injected her the same serum he used to increase his own speed. A less stable velocity serum. It's too pure." Killer Frost said.

"Get her back to the base and take care of Jesse. And Vibe, take care of Caitlin and Killer Frost to. Zoom is mine." Flash said and was surprised when Flash 2 didn't protest.

"I've been trying to stop for years with no luck. Maybe you'll have a better luck. Besides, I have an idea on how to save this earth's Jesse." Flash 2 said as Vibe opened another breach as Killer Frost picked up Jesse and they, along with Flash 2, jumped through the breach.

"There's no way I'm letting you do this alone. Stronger together after all." Supergirl said to her fiance, who smiled.

"Stronger together." Flash agreed as he looked over at Zoom, who seemed far less confident now that he was not only facing a speedster, but also a kryptonian, since he'd tried fighting one on Earth 82 and it was part of why he'd started looking for ways to increase his speed, since it was the only time he'd ever been truly beaten. Not that that he'd ever told anyone that.

"Two against one, not really a fair fight." Zoom said.

"Rules went out the window when you attacked our friend." Supergirl said as she blasted her heat vision at Zoom, who, despite his speed, couldn't dodge the attack.

"You may have been able to beat the Flash of your earth, but you can't beat me." Flash said as he sped out, Supergirl flying right behind him and Zoom rushed out after them.

"Oh my god." Felicity said as she watched Caitlin come out of the breach with Jesse in her arms.

"We need to get the medbay prepped." Caitlin said as Cisco and Jesse-2 came out of the breach.

"It's already prepped." Felicity said as Caitlin rushed Jesse over there and set her down on the hospital bed.

"You said you had an idea of how to save her." Cisco said to Jesse-2.

"More like an idea to buy you time." Jesse said.

"I'll try anything to save her." Caitlin said desperately.

"I'm almost genetically identical to this Jesse, but with the added bonus of speed healing." Jesse said.

"That won't cure her. Your DNA was mutated when you became a speedster." Cisco said.

"But the natural speed force in her system will help at least settle the unstable speed force in our Jesse's system, at least putting her in a similar coma to what Barry was in." Caitlin said and Jesse-2 nodded.

"Let's do it then." Cisco said.

"I will keep monitoring Supergirl and the Flash's fight with Zoom." Felicity said.

"Man, I really want to see that in person, I'm sure they're beating the crap out of Zoom." Cisco said.

"Cisco, go, they might need some help. I can take it from here." Caitlin said.

"Are you sure?" Cisco asked.

"Frost and I both agree that Jesse's health and safety is far more important than revenge." Caitlin assured him and Cisco nodded as he put his goggles back on and breached back into the battle.

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