Chapter 33

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"Iris, not that I'm complaining about the extra help, but why are most of these people here? I mean I understand Kara since she's Barry's girlfriend, but what about the rest of them?" Joe asked, referring to Cisco, Caitlin and Iris.

"They're family now to dad. They're all a part of Barry's team." Iris said, since they'd agreed to bring both Joe and Henry into the fold today.

"What do you mean Barry's team?" Joe asked.

"This might help." Kara said as she removed her glasses, let down her hair and then hovered in the air slightly.

"You're Supergirl." Joe realized.

"Yep, and Barry is the Flash." Iris said.

"And you know this how?" Joe asked as Iris sighed.

"Because I'm Phoenix." Iris said.

"What, there's no way that you're." Joe said, but was cut off as Iris summoned a ball of fire to her hand.

"Believe it now?" Iris asked.

"You're a metahuman." Joe said.

"Yep. And a hero." Iris said.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Joe asked.

"Because I knew that if you knew, you'd try and stop me and stop Barry from doing what we're doing." Iris said and Joe didn't deny it since he knew she was right.

"What you're doing is dangerous." Joe said.

"So is being a cop, but you don't see me trying to stop you from putting your life on the line every day. Besides, at least with my powers, I have a chance against metas. You don't. You don't have a right to lecture me." Iris said.

"Okay enough. This is supposed to be a happy occasion. Barry will be back with Henry any minute and since we're telling him to, I'm really hoping he takes it better." Kara said as Joe then turned to the others.

"And you all are superheroes to?" Joe asked.

"I'm not but these two are." Caitlin said.

"Really. Were either of you present at Thawne's capture?" Joe asked.

"I'm Vibe." Cisco said.

"One half of Firestorm." Ronnie said.

"What do you mean one half of a hero?" Joe asked.

"Firestorm utilizes nuclear energy. It takes two people fusing together to maintain stability of the firestorm matrix. Without that, firestorm goes unstable and could send the city up in a mushroom cloud." Cisco explained, putting it in the most dumbed down version he could so Joe could understand.

"Gotcha." Joe said as Martin and Clarissa arrived.

"Professor Stein makes up the other half of Firestorm and this is his wife Clarissa." Caitlin said.

"You look a bit too old for that game." Joe said as he held out his hand to Stein, who shook it.

"I am. Honestly, I'm more of a backseat driver, an extra voice in Ronald's head if you will." Stein said and before Joe could say anything else, Kara signalled that Barry and Henry were approaching.

After the welcome home and revelation of everyone's identities to Henry, Barry decided it was time for his dad to officially meet his girlfriend.

"So, my son is dating Supergirl." Henry said.

"Yeah, you okay with that?" Kara asked.

"I honestly don't think Barry could do much better than you." Henry assured her and Kara sighed in relief as she hugged her boyfriend's father.

"Dad, maybe we should look into you getting an apartment here in the city and then maybe you can get your medical license back." Barry said.

"Actually Barry, I'm thinking that maybe I'd get out of the city for a little while. I mean, do you honestly think that you can be everything that you've become with me here?" Henry asked.

"Yeah, I do. And dad, I may not be a little kid anymore, but I still need you in my life." Barry said and Henry smiled as he placed a hand on his son's shoulder.

"I'm not leaving forever son. But the world has changed since I was in prison. I want to find out how much. I promise when I've finished, I'll come back." Henry said and Barry sighed, but nodded, since while he'd tried to keep his dad from leaving, he knew that if this was what his dad needed to do, then he owed it to himself to do it.

"And Barry, remember, if you ever need me, for any reason at all, I'm just phone call away." Henry said and Barry smiled as he hugged his father.

That night, Barry and Kara were sitting on the couch of Kara's loft, since Barry had dropped his father off at the bus station shortly beforehand.

"Hey, you okay?" Kara asked.

"Yeah, I mean, this is exactly like what happened the last time I got him out of prison, but at the same time, I wish I could've changed his mind. I mean, a year after I got him back, Zoom took him from me the same way Thawne took my mom from me and Kara, losing my dad, so soon after I finally made peace with my mom's death, it sent me down a dark path." Barry said.

"That sounds like how I felt after I lost Mon-El. For so long, I was so caught up in my sorrow. I felt like my world had to come to an end and I almost gave up on being Kara Danvers, I wanted to focus on being Supergirl alone. It took nearly getting killed by a worldkiller to help me realize that Kara Danvers was just as much a part of me as Supergirl." Kara said.

"Sounds like you really cared about him." Barry said a little jealously.

"Of course I did. He was my first real love on Earth. At least, before I got you." Kara said as she kissed him and Barry kissed her back, only for things to grow more heated between them. However, before they could get too much further, the moment was ruined by Kara's phone ringing and she sighed frustratedly as she answered it after seeing it was J'onn.

"What is it J'onn?" Kara asked.

"We've detected an alien ship headed straight for the Central City badlands. Not sure if it's an enemy or not, but I was hoping you'd be willing to check it out." J'onn said.

"Yeah, I'm on it." Kara said, honestly hoping it was an enemy so she could punch them for ruining the mood.

"What's going on?" Barry asked as Kara got up.

"J'onn needs me to check out an alien ship landing in the badlands." Kara said.

"Want backup." Barry asked.

"If you want." Kara said as they both held out their rings to change into their suits and raced off to where they could see the ship, or rather, the fire that formed around the ship as it entered the atmosphere and followed it to where it was headed.

When the Flash and Supergirl arrived at the landing site, Supergirl was surprised, since this ship looked familiar to her for some reason.

"And I thought the dominator ships were cool. Before I knew what was inside them." Flash said.

"This design, it looks familiar, but I can't place it." Supergirl said as the hatch opened and Supergirl and Flash both prepared themselves for a fight, however, only two people walked out of the ship when Kara saw who they were, she couldn't believe it as she signalled for the Flash to stand down as she walked up to them and she could tell that they recognized her, the same way she recognized them.

"You know them?" Flash asked.

"Of course she knows us human." the man said, though Flash could tell that aside from a certain a level of protectiveness, he meant no real disrespect.

"How would you know them?" Barry asked when suddenly, he got a clear view of the woman.

"Astra?" Barry asked.

"You mistake me for my sister." the woman said and that tipped Barry off.

"Wait Kara, are they?" Barry asked and Kara nodded.

"Barry, meet Zor-El and Alura Zor-El. My parents." Kara said as Barry looked at the two in surprise.

Surprise, what you do think?

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