Chapter 111

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Barry grinned as he saw a bus arrive at the Central city bus station. Or more accurately, who he saw get off it.

"Dad." Barry said with a grin.

"Hey slugger." Henry said with a smile as he hugged his son.

"Come on. Kara is looking forward to seeing you again." Barry said, since they'd insisted that Henry stay with them when he got in town.

"Are you sure it's okay that I stay with you two?" Henry asked.

"It's only temporary right. You're only back in town for the wedding." Barry said as they headed out to where Barry's car was, since both he and Kara had them to keep up appearances.

"About that." Henry said.

"What?" Barry asked hopefully.

"I did a lot of thinking while I was up camping Barry and I realized that I lost enough time with you as it is. I'm not losing anymore. Besides, it'll give me a chance to get to know my future daughter-in-law better." Henry said and Barry grinned widely.

"I'm sure Kara won't mind putting you up until you find your own place." Barry said.

"I can stay with Joe instead." Henry offered.

"No, you're staying with us. We've got plenty of room." Barry insisted.

"I think that we should run this by the lady of the house before you commit to anything." Henry pointed out.

"Good point." Barry agreed.

When the two Allen men arrived back at the house, Henry had to admit, he was impressed.

"This is a nice house Barry." Henry said.

"Thanks, though Kara's the one who picked it out." Barry said.

"That I did." Kara confirmed as she walked downstairs.

"Kara." Henry said with a smile as he hugged his future daughter-in-law.

"Henry, I take it you had fun camping?" Kara asked and Henry nodded.

"I did, but I've had my fill of that stuff, since I've missed enough of Barry's life already." Henry said.

"Sounds like you're planning on moving back to Central City." Kara said.

"Yeah and I was hoping dad could stay with us until he finds his own place." Barry said and Kara smiled.

"Of course he can. Besides, this way we get a free house sitter while we're on our honeymoon." Kara said.d

"Speaking of, Barry told me that you guys are planning on honeymooning on the last surviving chunk of your home planet. Is that the plan for your entire honeymoon?" Henry asked.

"While that is where we'll be spending a majority of our honeymoon on Argo, we're going to be spending a few weeks in the Galapagos Islands, so we'll have some pictures we can share with everyone and then spend the remainder of our almost ridiculously long honeymoon on Argo." Kara answered.

"Smart." Henry said.

"Hey, are you by any chance bringing a date to the wedding?" Barry asked.

"Son, I haven't exactly been around any women lately. That's another reason I'm coming back to town." Henry said and Barry smiled.

"I'm glad that you're trying to get back out there. Mom would want you to be happy again." Barry said.

"You've really come to terms with your mother's death haven't you?" Henry asked.

"It helps that I got to be the one who dealt with the man who killed her." Barry said.

"What happened to him anyway?" Henry asked.

"He's not dead, but he is suffering a fate far worse than that. It's complicated." Barry said and Henry decided not to ask questions.

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