Chapter 107

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"So, what exactly is our plan for dealing with Zoom? We luring out the Time Wraiths?" Supergirl asked, since Flash had told her how he defeated Zoom the first time.

"Something tells me that trick won't work twice and even if it did, I'm not risking the Speed Force deciding to have Zoom take Thawne's place in it. Fortunately, there's another way to deal with Zoom permanently." Flash said.

"You want to kill him?" Supergirl asked.

"The V9 in his system is already killing him. If we get him to go fast enough, it'll speed up the process." Flash said.

"I don't know." Supergirl said.

"I understand if you want to sit this one out. But Kara, my dad will be back in a few weeks for our wedding and I'd like to make sure that the bastard who shoved his hand through his chest right in front of me once before doesn't have the opportunity to do it again." Flash said.

"Are you sure this the only way?" Supergirl asked, since while she was strictly against killing, she was aware of the role she'd played in the death of Reign and while she wasn't happy about it, she understood where Flash was coming from.

"You know I hate killing as much as you do. I don't want to do it this way, but Zoom is insane. The only way to stop him is to end him." Flash said and Supergirl could tell that he truly hated this idea as much as she did, well, maybe not as much as she did, since after all, the man did kill his father, so she understood his desire to make sure it didn't happen again.

"So, how do we do that?" Supergirl asked.

"Good thing about our powers, we're faster than him. The faster we go, the faster he has to go to keep up with us. We get him moving fast enough and he'll burn himself up." Flash said.

"Then we should probably kick it up a notch." Supergirl said, since that entire discussion had been on a separate comms channel and the two of them had been moving away from Zoom the entire time.

"Agreed." Flash said as he began running faster and Supergirl began flying faster.

"You're running away from me? I was expecting more of a fight." Zoom said and Supergirl just chuckled as she froze the road right as Zoom ran over it, causing him to slide and Flash couldn't resist chucking a lightning bolt at him for good measure.

"Well played." Zoom said.

"Next time don't ask for a fight you can't handle." Supergirl said as they resumed the chase.

"How much faster do we need to go?" Supergirl asked Flash.

"Not much faster I think." Flash answered as they turned back and Flash smiled as he saw the intended effect take place as he came to a stop, which his fiance quickly followed as Zoom, who found himself unable to stop.

"What is happening to me?" Zoom demanded as he felt himself start burn up.

"Your speed is so unstable that if you run fast enough, the deterioration of your cells is accelerated to the point of well, this." Flash said as he took a bit too much satisfaction in watching Zoom disintegrate into nothing.

"You okay?" Supergirl asked her fiance.

"Yeah. Probably took more satisfaction in that than I should've." Flash said.

"Hey, he killed your father once already. It's okay if you're happy he's gone. Now Zoom can't hurt anyone ever again." Supergirl said and Flash nodded.

"Come on, let's get back to the base and check on Jesse." Flash said and Supergirl nodded as they headed back towards Star Labs.

After the DNA transfusion was completed, Caitlin was keeping a close eye on her Jesse while the others monitored the battle.

"That was strangely anti-climatic." Felicity said.

"Hey, considering all the damage Zoom did to Earth 2, I'll take an anti climatic end to him instead of risking getting your city destroyed." Jesse said as Barry and Kara returned.

"I hear that. How's Jesse?" Barry asked.

"Our plan worked. Earth 2 Jesse's speedster DNA combined with Velocity drug Zoom injected our Jesse with has caused Jesse's cells to not only stabilize, but they've begun to mutate as well." Caitlin said.

"Mutate how?" Barry asked, though he had an idea.

"She's becoming a speedster. A real, genuine speedster." Caitlin said and Barry smiled.

"I guess Cisco better start coming up with a codename then and Caitlin, now you won't have to keep secrets from her anymore." Barry said.

"Well, this has been fun, but I need to get back to my earth, since Zoom maybe gone, but there will still be plenty of metahuman criminals out there in his organization trying to fill the void." Jesse 2 said.

"Hey, I vibed some of our counterparts on Earth 2 and honestly, Black Siren, Laurel Lance's doppelganger?" Cisco asked and Jesse nodded.

"What about her?" Jesse asked.

"I think that if you give her a chance, she can be redeemed. You just have to help her want it. Who knows, maybe she could go from Black Siren to Black Canary." Cisco said.

"I'll keep that in mind." Jesse said as Cisco dialed up a breach for her, which she then walked through.

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