Chapter 83

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"Astonishing. So, the multiverse theory is true." Stein said after they'd explained things to him.

"Apparently so. My guess is that this Jesse managed to somehow run fast enough to breach the dimensional barrier." Cisco said.

"How fast were you going anyways?" Barry asked.

"I'm not sure. I've been working on increasing my speed lately and I guess I went faster than I've ever gone before and managed to break through the dimensional barrier." Jesse said.

"Astonishing. I knew that the many different worlds theory suggested the existence of alternate earths and even communicating with them, but this is something unimaginable." Stein said.

"Tell me about it. But anyways, if another Earth's Jesse could breach here, that also means that someone else could to. Her being here puts our earth at risk of her enemies." Barry said, right as the same alert that brought Jesse arriving to their attention went off again.

"What's that?" Caitlin asked.

"I managed to determine the energy signatures of my breaches and uploaded a program to the Star Labs satellite to search for it, in case anyone else on this earth has the same powers, just like how we track speedsters besides Barry and Wally. That alert is actually how we found out that this Jesse was here." Cisco said.

"Wait Cisco, if breaches to other earths have the same energy signature as the ones you open to other places on this earth." Caitlin said.

"Then theoretically, you should be able to open a breach to Ms. Wells' earth." Stein said.

"I had the same thought, but there are too many variables in an ability I haven't yet tested. Even if I'm able to a breach into the multiverse, there's no guarantee I'd hit the right earth. I need to practice that ability to make sure I can master it before utilizing it." Cisco said and Stein nodded, seeing the logic in that.

"Anyways, Cisco, you said there was a breach alert?" Barry asked.

"Yeah, we picked up another breach not far from where the breach that spat Jesse out originated." Cisco said.

"You think it's another speedster?" Caitlin asked.

"I don't know, but let's not take any chances. Call Iris, Ronnie and Felicity, with Kara gone, we're going to need all the backup we can get." Barry said and Cisco nodded.

"Any chance that can include me?" Jesse asked.

"Considering it sounds like a problem from your earth followed you here, yes." Barry said as he, Caitlin and Cisco moved to suit up.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Phoenix asked as she and Firestorm joined the Flashes, Vibe and Killer Frost at the location Cisco had sent them.

"Yeah, this is definitely the location the satellite picked up the breach energy." Felicity said over the comms.

"Thanks Overwatch." Flash-1 said.

"Huh?" Felicity asked.

"If you're gonna be on the team, you need a codename. After all, we can't risk people finding out we're working with a Felicity. What do you think?" Flash-1 asked.

"I love it." Overwatch said and Vibe rolled his eyes.

"But anyways, just because the breach opened here, doesn't mean whoever traveled through it stuck around." Flash-2 said.

"Agreed. Maybe our fliers can find something from a birds eye view." Flash-1 said and Phoenix and Firestorm both nodded as they took to the skies.

"Yeah, I'm seeing what looks like a speedster trail in the grass. Overwatch, see if the satellite can track any speedsters aside from the two we have with us here in the city. And when you get a chance, please explain to use why there are two speedsters here." Phoenix said.

"On it." Overwatch said as she got to work.

"Yep, it looks it's picking up another speedster's signature in downtown." Overwatch said.

"Then that's where we're heading." Flash-1 said as he and Flash-2 sped off in the direction while Vibe opened a breach for the rest of them.

Anyone care to guess who the second speedster from Earth 2 is?

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