Chapter 74

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Wally West was currently finishing getting unpacked into his new apartment out in National City when suddenly, Barry sped into the room.

"Barry, maybe next time you could call first." Wally asked.

"Sorry, but this is an emergency." Barry said.

"What's going on?" Wally asked.

"We tracked Lex Luthor to secret vault in the mountain range just outside of National City. This is your city now, I was wondering if you'd be interested in helping us take him down." Barry said.

"You thought right." Wally said with a grin.

"Then suit up." Barry said and Wally grinned.

After informing J'onn of Luthor's location, Supergirl flew towards National City as fast as she could.

"Kara, are you sure you and Barry don't need back up?" Caitlin's voice said over the comms.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence Caitlin, but Clark is meeting us there and Barry's getting Wally. Besides, we can't leave Central City undefended while we're gone." Kara said.

"Understood." Caitlin said as Kara accelerated even further until she literally crashed right through the ceiling of the vault.

"Well, I never wanted to be here again." Kara mumbled as Superman landed next to her.

"Glad you could make it." Supergirl said to her cousin.

"Lex is my problem and I'm going to help solve it again." Superman said, right as suddenly, the whole Supergirl had made in the room was sealed and green gas began to fill the air.

"What's going on?" Superman asked.

"This is a trap. That's kryptonite gas." Supergirl realized, since even with her suit's shielding, she could feel herself getting weaker and by the look on Superman's face, he was feeling the effects as well.

"Very good Supergirl." Lex said as he walked out, fully suited up in his Lexosuit.

"You let us find you." Supergirl said.

"Yes. I've spent a year planning this. Taking every precaution. Your metahuman friends may be fast, but they can't breathe this gas any easier then you can." Lex said smugly as both Supergirl and Superman began gasping for air.

Flash and Kid Flash were almost to the vault when Cisco's voice lit up their comms.

"You both need to get back to Star Labs now." Cisco said.

"What, why?" Flash asked.

"Because we need to rig your suits with oxygen masks, since right now, Luthor is filling the entire vault with Kryptonite gas." Cisco said.

"But what about Kara and Clark?" Kid Flash asked as Flash felt his heart beat at least 2 as fast as usual, which now that he thought about was actually really dangerous, as his worry for Kara got worse.

"So far the kryptonite shields in their suits are working, but not forever. We need to equip both of you with oxygen supplies so you can get in and save them." Cisco said.

"Open a breach, we can't waste any time." Flash said, taking charge.

"Calling one up now." Cisco said and a moment later, a breach opened in front of them, which both speedsters ran through it.

"How are their vitals?" Barry asked as he and Wally sped into the cortex to see the monitors where Kara and Clark's suits were tracking their vitals.

"Spiking hard, if we don't get them out of there soon they'll start crashing." Caitlin said.

"Are the sun lamps ready?" Barry asked.

"They're charging up now. But we need to get both your suits equipped with oxygen masks now before the shields in their suits give out." Cisco said.

"What exactly do the kryptonite shields in their suits do?" Felicity asked as Cisco got to work.

"They're designed to shield Kara and Clark from kryptonite energy blasts and filter out Kryptonite gas to a point, but it has limits." Caitlin said as Cisco finished to revealed both the Flash and Kid Flash suits were fully sealed up.

"You guys have an hours worth of oxygen stored up. Get the Kryptonians here first and then go back for Lex." Cisco said.

"Got it. Open the breach and keep it open until we get back." Barry said and Cisco nodded as he opened another breach directly into the vault, which Flash and Kid Flash sped right into.

Superman and Supergirl were doing their very best to fight off Lex, but considering the fact that the shields in their suits were starting to give out and they were weakening while Lex's Lexosuit was fully powered up, he was mopping the floor with them.

"And so ends the age of the Kryptonians." Lex said as he brought out a kryptonite sword and prepared to use it to kill Superman, right as a breach opened and the Flash sped in and punched him into a wall before grabbing Supergirl while Kid Flash helped Superman to his feet.

"No." Lex said angrily as he tried to fire energy blasts at them, but Flash and Kid Flash were too quick as they sped back into the breach and then a moment later they returned and the breach closed behind them.

"You should've stayed gone." Lex said.

"You're kryptonite doesn't affect us Lex. I'm wondering, you spent so much time learning how to stop a kryptonian, did you ever bother trying to stop a speedster?" Flash asked as he and Kid Flash began running around the room, creating a vortex that actually seemed to start sucking up the kryptonite from the room, while also dodging Lex's energy blasts.

And while the suit was fast enough to target them while they were running, he could only shoot one at a time, and each time he did, the other speedster landed a punch until the kryptonite had finally been cleared from the room and both speedsters had built up enough of a charge to toss lightning at Lex, right as the DEO arrived, led by J'onn himself in full Martian Manhunter form.

"No." Lex said as he managed to get up and Barry had enough as he sped right into Lex before phasing into it, sending Lex to the ground.

"What the?" Lex asked as the Flash hit him with his own suit.

"How's it feel to be so close to your ultimate goal, only to end up on the ground at the hand of your own suit?" Flash demanded and for a second, everyone thought the Flash was going to end Lex, but instead, he began vibrating the suit until finally, shattered all around him.

"Are you alright Flash?" J'onn asked, right as Flash speed punched Lex into unconsciousness.

"I am now. He's all yours J'onn." Flash said as he sped out of the vault, with Kid Flash following him closely.

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