Chapter 84

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Kara couldn't help but get a feeling of Deja vu as she entered the White Martian compound near the D'orian crater, driving J'onn's ship in it's classic car form, the song hit me baby one more time blaring from the speakers.

"Hi! Hi! I'm, uh I'm sorry to bother you during whatever it is you are doing. But, I think I took a wrong turn at Albuquerque and Can any of you give me directions back to Earth? You know, I thought I took that tunnel but my GPS is all screwed up down here and it keeps trying to get me to make this suicidal left turn," Kara said, completely poker faced as the white martians growled at her before continuing "You might wanna check your rear view."

"Hit me baby one more time." the speakers blared as J'onn and the White Martian Resistance jumped in.

"Let's do this thing." Supergirl said as she blasted the nearest enemy white martian with her heat vision.

"Go find your father, we'll cover you." M'gann said and J'onn nodded as he and Kara ventured further into the facility.

Back on Earth in Central City, both Flashes were running through the city, trying to find the speedster the satellites had detected.

"Overwatch, a little help?" Flash asked.

"You're coming up on him now. Turn right now." Overwatch said on the comms and the Flashes did in just enough time to see a blur of blue lightning zip past them.

"No." Jesse said.

"What is it?" Barry asked, though he also recognized the speedster and knew exactly who he was and shared Jesse's emotions.

"He followed me here." Jesse said.

"Who followed you here?" Barry asked.

"My greatest enemy. Zoom." Jesse said.

"How did he breach the dimensional barrier?" Barry asked.

"I don't know, but I brought him here to your world. I'm not going to let him to do it what he's done to mine." Jesse said as she zipped off after Zoom.

"Neither will I." Barry said, since he had no intention of letting that monster murder his father again as he sped off after them.

"This is it." J'onn said as he and Kara arrived at the detention facility.

"Are you okay J'onn?" Kara asked, noticing how worried he looked.

"It's been 200 years since I last saw my father in person Kara. What if he's angry I left him here while I escaped?" J'onn asked.

"He wouldn't have contacted you if he wanted to hold onto grudges. He'll be relieved to see you alive at all." Kara assured him.

"I don't think I could've done this alone." J'onn said shamefully.

"That's why I'm here. To make sure you don't have to." Kara promised him and J'onn smiled gratefully at her.

"Thank you Kara." J'onn said.

"Now, enough delaying it. You've been separated from your father long enough." Kara said and J'onn nodded.

"This part of the facility is likely designed to keep martians from phasing out of it." J'onn said.

"It might be resistant to Martian abilities, but let's see how well it fares against Kryptonian powers." Kara said as she effortlessly punched the door from its hinges and she and J'onn entered to find themselves facing a squad of white martians.

"You want to do it or should I?" Kara asked.

"You take left. I'll take right." J'onn said and Kara nodded as they quickly took out the white martians.

"Anymore on site?" Kara asked after they finished.

"None that I can see." J'onn said as he opened the prison door.

"J'onn." A new voice said as J'onn took a deep breath.

"Father." J'onn said as he turned to face M'yrnn J'onzz standing in the cell, trying to convince himself that this was real.

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